Chapter 12: Weather The Storm

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Rin's POV:

The doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood a pretty girl with long teal twin tails. In her hands she held a white box.

"Miku?" I said.

"Yes. Nice to meet you Rin!" She smiled.

I beckoned for her to come inside. I led her into the kitchen and she put the box on the counter. Len came downstairs.

"Hey Miku!" He said.

"Hi Len! I brought you guys something!" Miku waved her hands around the white box.

"YES!" Len cried.

Miku opened the box and there were twelve cupcakes. Half of them had bananas on them and the other half had orange zest.

"YES!" I yelled scooping up an orangey cupcake. Len had already devoured almost all his banana cupcake and was reaching for another. I slapped his hand.

"Ow what the heck Rin!" He cried.

"Miku hasn't had one yet." I said.

Miku laughed. "Oh yes I have! I ate more than my fill when they came out of the oven at home."

"You made these!?" I asked. I was surprised, I can't even make myself toast without it burning.

"Yeah, I like to bake sometimes." Miku said a little sheepishly.

"Karen should be jealous, these are way better than her banana purses." Len said.

"Who's Karen?" I asked.

"She works at this cafe close to my house." Miku explained.

"So what should we do?" asked Len

"Hmm..." Miku put her fist under her chin and tried to think of something, she looked pretty cute doing that. I glanced at Len but he wasn't even looking at her. 

"How about we play Wii?" Len suggested.

"Seriously!?" I said. "We have a friend over and you want to play Wii!?"

Miku looked at her feet. "I think that would be fun, but we don't have to do it if you don't want to Rin."

Great now I feel guilty.

"No it's fine. I just didn't think you would want to." I said bowing my head in submission.

"Victory!" Len yelled hopping down from the stool.

He ran down stairs into the basement. Set up the wii and put nintendo land in.

"Miku needs to make a mii." I said.

"Yeah I know." Len replied.

He handed Miku a remote. Miku started to maker her little mii. The hard part was that there wasn't any teal hair.

"I guess I'll be blonde so we can al be blonde." Miku said with a laugh.

Len decided we would play the Luigi's mansion game, you know, with the little ghost?

Len went right after me. "MU HA HA HA HA!!!" He yelled as my character died.

Miku's character came to mine and tried to revive mine by shining a flashlight on it.

The ghost appeared and snatched Miku's girl.

"I am sorry, I cannot allow you to resurrect my sister." Len said.

"My turn!" Miku cried. Jumping up and switching controllers with Len.

Miku played for a little while (mostly trying to figure out how to work the ghost.) Then she killed Len.

"AH! NOOOO!" He yelled.

"MU HA HA HA HA!!!" Miku cried, imitating Len's laugh from before.

"You cruel human being!" Len sighed.

"Actually I am a ghost. A lonely spirit, dead and gone." Miku smirked.

We played for a few more hours I guess, but it didn't feel like that long.

There was a faint rumble. I ran upstairs and looked out the window. Then I went back downstairs. "It's raining really hard out there." I said.

Miku jumped up. "I should probably get home." She announced.

"Not a good idea right now." I replied. "There's a lot of lightning."

As if to prove my point, a huge rumble sounded and the lights started to flicker. Miku paled and crouched down against the back of the couch. Len went and sat down next to her. "Miku...are you okay?" He asked, looking worriedly down at her. There was another roar of thunder. This time the lights went out. Miku shrieked, grabbed Len's arm, and buried her face into his shoulder.

"I'll go get a flashlight." I declared running back up the stairs. I stumbled over about fifty things before I got to the drawer that held the flashlight.

"RIN!!! GET MY HEADPHONES!!!" Len yelled from downstairs as another boom sounded. Seriously? He wants his headphones? Whatever, I'll grab them for that weirdo.

I ran down the stairs for like, the tenth time and handed Len his headphones. Miku was still clinging to his arm. In the light of the flashlight, I could see she was crying. Len took Miku's phone, punched in a sequence of numbers, (which actually worked) and went into spotify. He opened a playlist simply titled "favorites" and put his headphones on Miku. A rumble sounded and Miku didn't even flinch.

"That was pretty smart Kagamine." I complimented my brother. He almost shrugged, but Miku  still had her head on his shoulder. "I got the idea from your anime show."

"Wait you watched more episodes without me?" I inquired. 

He rolled his eyes. "I got bored."

There was a silence except for the faint sound of Miku's music, and her soft breathing.

"Is she asleep?" I asked laughing.

"I don't know." Len answered.

"O my gosh she's asleep." I started cracking up. Then I put the flashlight down and started up the basement stairs.

"Where are you going?" Len asked.

"Upstairs. If you want though, I can stay and stare at you two creepily." I replied. "Also I'm going to see if I can find the generator that dad hides in case of emergency."

"Oh okay." Len said.

I ran up the stairs and left Len and Miku alone...

(A/N: Hiya! Hope everybody's alright and healthy! I am so bored having to stay home all the time. I went to the grocery store the other day and noticed that while all the decent food was pretty much gone, there were tons of untouched abandoned cake mixes. I am going to survive on cake, I feel bad! They were calling me :P

Anyways stay healthy!


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