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It was early November and my mother forced me to get a summer job. Now you can assume that I searched everywhere before I settled on this job but that isn't the case.

Saturday night and my best friend Jewels invited me out to a party. My mother wasn't home so I told my dad I was going over to a friend's house to study and  would be back later. Doing the old switch up I changed from my comfortable clothes into a sexy party dress.

The party was lively, and I finally got to see the type of people that Jewels hangs out with when we're not together. They were welcoming and immediately I felt like part of the group.

But all through the night the one who stood out for me was Lisa. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was strikingly beautiful and wore the most expensive Louis Vuitton velvet dress I had ever seen. She just seemed to attract an audience every time she moved. I wanted to be like her, rich and beautiful.

When I asked her how she makes her money, she pulled me to the side where most people were out drunk. Softly she whispered in my ear.
"I work for a private sex company"

My eyes shot up in shock. For as classy as she was, I had never expected her to be an escort. She saw the hesitation in my eyes, and quickly filled my head with the dream life she was living.
"I know it's a lot to process but look at what I'm wearing. My daughter back home gets the best care and I get to spoil myself crazy and drive sports cars. It's all worth it in the end"

I wanted that. Needed it. My family was struggling, and I would do anything to help them. Even if it means losing my virginity to a stranger.
So, there I found myself walking into S.Y.B along side Lisa.
She waved at the old lady seating at the front desk who had been assessing us since we walked through the door.

"She's a good one" she tells Lisa.

I ignore her comment and follow Lisa into the rust covered elevators. I expect her to press a button but instead she knocks three times on the walls and a door slides open. We walk down a brightly lit marble hallway towards the door at the end.

"Listen girl" she suddenly says to me "you don't trust anyone in here but me and August okay, everyone is there for their own reasons and you never know what they're willing to do just to take a buck home"

Her words scared me because I understood where they were coming from. People were merciless when it came to survival. I was afraid that I might become one of them.

She pushed the door open and the first thing I saw was a tall man dressed in silk and leather. He had a bright smile on his face when he approached us.
"Oh my gosh Lisa you were right, she is a good one" he gushes taking my hand and making my body twirl. The action had a shy smile dancing on my face.

"Hey sweet pea" he says to me "the name's Augustine but everyone calls me August, you're quite beautiful I must say"

"Thank you" I all but whisper.

Lisa gently holds my shoulder.
"Good luck" she says with a genuine on her face "I need to get to work, if you'll please excuse me"

She leaves August and I alone.
"Come on" he say directing me to a door labelled 'Interviews'.

He turns to me and assess my body from head to toe. When our eyes meet, he takes a step closer and wraps his arms around my torso bringing me into a hug.
"I hope Lisa filled you in on what's about to happen" he sighs sadly "good luck I'll see you later"

Nerves overtake my entire system as he gently shoves me into the room and closes the door, locking himself out. I wanted to call out his name, but the thoughts are erased when I see the three people in front of me. Two women and a man.
"Hello darling you must be Jessie" the older lady says "I'm Diana and these are my associates Gwen and Drake"

She gestures towards the chair standing alone in the middle of the room. I take my time making my way to the cold chair and take my seat. I was anxious. August's words lingered in my mind. Lisa didn't inform me
about the company. So I'm clueless.

"Jessie now I need you to understand that we are doing this to make sure that you are being honest with us, that's the only way we can protect you" Diana says and when she sees me nod my head, she motions for Gwen to turn the camera on.

"Welcome to S.Y.B" Gwen says "Give us a brief introduction about yourself, including your name, age, relationship status, number of parents and siblings, hobbies, the last time you had sexual intercourse and what you are willing and not willing to do"

I take a deep breath and prepare to expose myself to complete strangers.
"My name is Jessica Donnahill. I'm eighteen years old and I'm currently single. Both my parents are still alive, and I don't have any siblings. I like going on hikes, swimming and most importantly singing. I'm still a virgin and I don't know much about sexual activities therefore I cannot provide you with answers to your last question" I respond all in one breath.

My answers seem to shock all three of the spectators. They whisper amongst themselves before Drake scribbles something down on a paper and walks my way.
"Find the room written Displays" he says.

I take the paper from his hand and walk out the room. I wonder down the hall until I find the room I was sent to. I pull open the door to find the room filled with cameras and a very agitated man.
"I've been waiting a whole bloody five minutes for you to appear miss Donnahill" he growls "alright walk to the back and strip"

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