Chapter 1- Those eyes

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The bell rang after class as you stood up immediately to get away from the whispers and snares that filled the room. You chucked your books under your arm and escaped the prison cell of a classroom, heading to your locker to leave for the day. Your homework was endless. From the two quiz's you had tomorrow, to the English speech you had to finish and present two days later. Sighing to yourself, you heaved the enormous book bag onto your shoulder, shutting the locker door and leaving the school.

Down the parking lot, you reached the glorious doors of the school bus, unable to wait to get home. Before stepping on, you felt a huge slam on your shoulder as you stumbled to the ground, groaning due to your arm busting out in pain. You heard the snickers of the jocks that shoulder checked you as they headed onto the bus. Fucking assholes... you thought to yourself.

As you started to reach for the ground to hoist yourself up, you looked up, seeing a pair of eyes far in the distance. Almost as if a moment in time stopped as you studied those blue eyes staring at you before you stood up, brushing yourself off, and headed onto the bus. As you sat down, you couldn't help but think of that creep staring at you. With those blue eyes. You shook your head, mentally slapping yourself before staring out the window the entire ride home.

Shutting the door to your apartment, you groaned and sat on the couch, laying your book bag by the coffee table. You ruffled your (h/c) locks and laid back, feeling exhausted. Nothing tires you out more than the feeling that someone's snarking at you all the time. They just didn't get it. They didn't get why you dress the way you do, or why you are by yourself, daydreaming about running far away to somewhere loving. Somewhere excepting. Having someone to talk too. Being lonely wasn't bad, but it got tiring sometimes. It felt out of place to you somehow, you couldn't explain it to someone if you tried.

After debating with yourself, you decided to get off your lazy ass and head to your favorite place on earth. The coffee shop just down the street from your apartment complex, the perfect place to read and drink coffee.

You walk down there with your novel tucked under your arm, letting your (h/L) hair be pushed back in the wind. Once reaching the cafe, you walked up the stars and slid through the door.

Before sitting down, you noticed someone hogging your most frequent place to sit, a book in their hands. The same book you were currently reading that rested under your arm. Brushing it off, you sit at the table right next to it, a few feet in distance between you and the unknown person. You try to scope them out, but their nose was burred into the book so far you can't see their face.

"What would you like to order today (miss/mister/other) (y/N)?" The girl standing above you asks, holding a pen and notebook in front of her smile.

"What's on special?" You asked, raising an eyebrow with the slight tug on your lips.

"You always ask for our specials," the girl laughs.

You seem to recognize her face and red flaming hair, but her name is one you could never figure out. You slightly chuckled at her comment. "Still have the butterscotch latte?"

"Well it is the winter season." Her shoulder bounced sarcastically. "Just the latte?"

"Can I really afford anything else?" You laugh.

She chuckled and nodded her head, spinning on her heals and heading for the counter. The sound of stirring and whisking and pouring filled your ears as you opened your book and laid the bookmark to the side.

The blood oozed from her wounds as she dropped to the floor, the man standing over her with his sharp teeth exposed in a smirk. She screamed as she grabbed at the wound to stop the blood.
"You said you loved me! How could you do this? I don't care that your a vampire I will always love you!"
Her blood pooled out in front of her as her vision began to fade, realizing he was using her to get under her skin...

You can't help but glance up from your book as you saw the man in your seat ordering his coffee. You saw his face for the first time, the rich purple hair complimenting his chiseled chin and bright smile. His blue eyes catching you off guard.

The same ones you saw earlier today at the bus stop.

You saw the waitress serving him blush and swipe her hand at him, embarrassed by whatever he was saying. He must be a real romantic, you thought. A charmer. Then again you couldn't help but stare, he did really stand out because of his hair and looks.

You glanced down back at your book, trying to focus as your cheeks turned bright pink.

"Your so stupid..." said the Vampire. "Did you really think I could love a disgusting pig like you? You're just a human. To me your the same as what a cow is to you. Food."
The girl let her tears stream down her face, the feeling of remorse and regret drowning her.
He was right. How could she have been so stupid. How could she believe someone like him was to love someone like her-

You felt eyes staring at you as you looked up, seeing the man chuckle with his cheek on his knuckles. He shook his head at you as you looked down, blushing. He was cute, yes, but he was most likely too old for you. You were only eighteen, this guy looked in his early twenties. You continued to read your book as your drink was laid onto the table. After gesturing a 'thank you', you gulped it down, read some more, and escaped the uncomfortable- yet slightly intriguing- situation. After leaving the shop, you skipped your way back too your apartment complex.

The air was nice and cool, the sun beginning to set but the breeze in your hair still waving behind you. You took the same route you took getting there, going through the ally way to the fastest way home. By the time you turned on your heels, the concrete buildings blocked the sun, and quickly it became dark.

You heard a crunching noise a few steps back behind you of a branch. You froze up. You couldn't turn around, you couldn't see who was down this ally way. No one lived down here. No one walked down here. You were being followed.

You started to walk, then walk faster before almost breaking into a sprint. You wanted to get home, you wanted to run. You were so close you could see the building.

Everything came to an abrupt stop when a hand was thrown over your mouth, another around your waist so you were tied to whomever was behind you. You thought you were going to be harassed, raped, murdered. Everything was running in your head so fast as you attempted to pry off the hands but they wouldn't budge. Let me go, you wanted to scream, but it only came out as a slight whimper.

"Bonjour mademoiselle...." said a deep, french voice. You couldn't recognize it. "...I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but your attendance is quite the necessity."

You tried to scream, but before you could you felt his elbow slam down against your head with a hard 'thumb', before everything spun and blacked out.

That was the first day you met him.

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