Chapter 12- Kaneki

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You woke up that morning to your alarm clock blaring in your face; and when you opened you eyes, you were sad to see you were still in your regular old room.

You reached over the side of the bed to hold Tsukiyama close to you, but when your arm fell on the sheets feeling nothing, your face fell. You sat up, frizzing your hair with your fingers to erase the image of Tsukiyama. You couldn't think about him today. You couldn't let people know about him.

You looked in your sad excuse of a closet, just bunched up hoodies that were to big for you and jeans with so many rips you could wear them to a strip club and look like you work there. You threw on your oversized gray hoodie that ran past your fingertips and your blue ripped up jeans, heading out of your bedroom and grabbing your book bag beside the couch. You looked through it before you left to get on the metro bus outside and saw all the papers that were due weeks ago. You smacked your hand on your forehead, picked up your book bag and walked out the door to the staring pits of hell.

After riding a painful half-hour on the bus, you walked into school to your first class. You looked at your ripped up schedule, seeing that you had Science that morning, and debated if you should just leave the school. But before you were able to make a run for it, you heard a voice call out your name in a hurry.

       "Are you okay?" Asked your math teacher, who seemed to be passing by your locker before stopping in her tracks. "You had been gone so long the whole school was worried about you."

          Yeah sure, you rolled your eyes in thought, people were worried about themselves and spreading damn rumours.

        "I'm fine," was all you could say. You saw her nod her head and was about to stroll off before turning back to look at you.

         "I'm glad your alright (miss/mister/other) (l/n). Take it easy. You'll have time off to get some of those math sheets done that were due last week."

         Well that was one advantage.

   You nodded your head as she left you to your own devices, stacking up your books in your arms and heading to your dreadful class. When you walked in, everyone seemed to stare at you, as if you were some mythical creature that just trudged into their classroom. You dropped your books down and crashed into your seat, not even giving you two seconds to sit before the girls started to talk to you from behind.

       "Oh my gosh I heard what happened to you," one of them said. "Are you okay?"

        They didn't seem to give less of a shit about you before, so you questioned why they did now.

       "Yeah I can't believe it, you were all over the news," said her friend. "We're you kin napped? Did you run away from home?"

       "It's none of your business," you blurted. "Leave me alone."

         The girls placed a hand over their mouth in 'disbelief'. "I saw your brother on tv," said one of them. "He seemed suspicious when he was asked if he abused you. No wonder why you ran away from him."

        You ignored her, but she kept going.

     "I understand what that's like. My brother teased me all the time. One time when he was seven, he bit me."

         You wanted to turn around and strangle her, but decided to ignore her again in an attempt to calm down.

          "Oh my gosh that's so bad," said another girl.

      "Yeah. It was horrible having him around. I bet it's the same for you, isn't it (y/n)?"

         They started pushing at your buttons as you wondered were the teacher was to start class. "No," you spat, opening your book Lone Wolf and began reading in another attempt to block them out.

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