Chapter 22- Mask

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      That afternoon Tsukiyama had lent you some clothes he had bought from the store that morning. Throwing on your new outfit, you saw it consisted of a black t-shirt, same colour suspenders and track pants, followed by a green jacket that reached down to your thighs. He had briefly explained to you that you both were going out somewhere special today, although still keeping a low profile so the police wouldn't find you.

         He always had told you it was dangerous out there in the world, but today you felt the excitement of him trusting you to explore some place new. You practically jumped through the ceiling when he told you.

        You adjusted your jacket, made a few faces in the mirror, and left for the stairs where Tsukiyama was waiting for you. There he was wearing a purple blazer over a black t-shirt, white jeans to match the vibrante colours.

       "You know when you said we were laying low today, I didn't think you would wear something that makes you stand out," you giggled.

       "You know I'm one for fashion, even if it does blow up under me I'd rather be seen then wear something plan and dull." He chuckled as he took your hand, surprising you by twirling you around in a circle on your heals.

       You giggled and kissed his cheek before he led you to the front doors of the mansion just down the hall. Once he opened the doors, you took in a deep breath of the warm air. "It's spring," you smiled, the scent of flowers and previous rain filling your nose. The air was warm as the birds chirped in the blue sky, the sun bright hanging over you.

       You intwined your fingers in his as he walked you over to the small black car waiting for you. He opened the door, letting you into the front seat as he walked around and crawled into the drivers. After hearing the click of both seatbelts he took off out of the parking lot and onto the highway five minutes ahead.

       "It's nice to see you drive," you smiled before realizing how stupid that sounded.

         Tsukiyama chuckled none the less. "I prefer not to as my men drive me in a fancier car, mais we are laying low at the moment. We must look natural like everyone else." He looked at you with an eyebrow raised and a smile before darting his eyes back to the road.

        You twirled your thumbs in your hands as you looked ahead at the road. "So, where are we going exactly?"

        He shook his head. "I'm assuming your not one for surprises? None the less, I'll let you in. We have to drive down to Anteiku, the coffee shop the twentieth ward ghouls are running. They'll be able to tell us how to find Uta, the man who will be making your mask."

        Your eyes lit up. "A mask?"

    "To protect your identity from the CCG, ghoul police you could say. If they found out who you were you'd be in a pretty bad spot." You noticed the way Tsukiyama's hands moved on the steering wheel as he talked. You pulled into one of the exits, driving down a street.

      "Well it's not like we are already fugitives," you tried to joke. You nervously chuckled as Tsukiyama didn't laugh.

       He pulled into an alleyway and shut off the car before getting out. "We're here," he explained as you hopped out.

         You walked close behind him as he walked onto the street and to a coffee shop with the sign saying 'closed'. Besides the fact he still was able to open the door, leading into a beautiful shop. You noticed one of the workers, a girl with blueish hair, wiping some dishes. "Go home buddy we're not o-"

         She paused as she looked up. "Tsukiyama? What are you doing here? This place is closed get out."

      She seemed really cross with him, making you nervous before stepping out from behind him. "Wait," you said. "We just wanted to know where we might find Uta..."

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