Chapter 4- Answers

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        Your eyes fluttered open to the feeling of laying upon something soft and breathing. Once opening your eyes, you looked to see you were laying on a black t-shirt, attached to a purple haired being, brushing your hair with its fingers.

             You jolted awake.

        "What are you doing in my room?!" You exclaimed, your hands slammed down by his sides.

         Tsukiyama looked puzzled. "Your room? I'm letting you stay in here."

            You huffed in anger. "You kinnapped me!" 

         Tsukiyama shook his head in confusion. "No, I took you in."

         "Against my will!"

        He couldn't answer you, he just sat up and stared into your eyes. "Well you slept well," Tsukiyama rolled his eyes.

         "Get out of my bed!"

      "This isn't your room!"

      Before you could argue back, both your heads turned to the door when it clicked open. A man- just a little older than Tsukiyama with a mask and suit- walked in. "Everything alright Master Shuu?"

         "Avez vous!" Tsukiyama yelled at him as he slipped back and slammed the door shut.

           Behind the door, you could hear the man exclaim: "You need to treat your guests better Master Shuu, you shouldn't be sleeping with them."

          You noticed his face turn pink as he threw the pillow under his head at the door, making a large slam before falling to the floor. You saw him huff in anger, it was the first time you saw him embarrassed. Usually you had seen him confident and sexy, but you assumed he wasn't a morning person.

            You couldn't help but chuckle at his expression. His eyes darted towards you, glaring. It was even more funny as you began to laugh, covering your mouth with your hand. He looked like a five year old with a huge temper.

            He saw you laughing and his face softened up, giggling himself. "My apologies," he stated. "I had quite a temper. But he was right, I shouldn't have intruded your privacy. I couldn't really help myself, I guess..."

            Your cheeks turned bright pink as you nodded your head. "Thanks..." you replied awkwardly, unsure what to say. He smiled at you, that warm smile that made you melt in his grasp the first time you saw him. After returning one yourself, you slid back into the bed next to him, rapping your arm around his chest. He pulled you in and you flinched, not used to the contact.

           "Well someone's warmed up quickly," he smirked down at you.

           You couldn't help but scoff at his comment. It wasn't your fault you two were laying down like this, you we're taken away after all. You over thought it so much you didn't even answer him.

         A burning question built up on your tongue as you clenched your fist. You needed to know what happened last night, and how long you had slept for. Last time he had promised he didn't do anything, but now he was in your bed. He could've done anything whiles you were asleep. "How did I get up here?" You asked him, looking up.

          "You had fell asleep whiles I was reading so I brought you up here, I thought I could keep you company."

        You blushed from ear to ear. "So...nothing happened?"

           He sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. "Like I said, I would never touch you in that way."

           "But you kin napped me," you spat.

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