Chapter 26- The Party pt.3

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       You dashed up the spiral stairs, attempting to escape to the roof as you heard the screams of ghouls down stairs being shot and killed. Lucky, you and Tsukiyama had gotten a head start on your escape, but still felt the guilty weight of leaving the other ghouls down there to die.

     You swung the door open once you reached the top, stopping in your tracks. Two other CCG officers, looking completely different from eachother, stood in your way. The short one with long stitches waved at you with a smile, catching you off guard.

         "Good day, pretty lady! The names Juzo," The kid said, lifting his hand to his forehead as if he were in the military.

        (And if you're not a woman, you think to yourself, But I'm a dude...?)

        "Our policy is all ghouls must be killed on sight," he continued. "But lets get over ourselves, no need to introduce once I've cut into you."

       The taller officer with dark hair threw a kagune like weapon at you, before you could move Tsukiyama jumped in front of you blocking it with his own kagune.

       "Go!" He demanded you, as you rushed off towards the ledge from his left. Juzo lunged at you, pulling a knife from his jacket as you dodged quickly to the side. He turned and ran for you again, but you only dodged another time.

       "I don't want to hurt you-!" You screamed as he lunged at you again, ignoring your grieving with a wide smirk. You tried to pull back but his knife hooked your dress and tore a rip down the end of it, Juzo smacking his chin on the roofs flooring. Your eye changed from its regular state to black, your kagune bursting from inside of you as it threw Juzo across the roof. He landed hard on his back, making you scared that you could have broken it. It was a relief that sent a nervous chill down your spine when he stood up.

His face grew dizzy and happy looking, rolling his eyes with a smile as he held his head with his hand. "Finally someone who knows how to have fun!" He giggled.

Your eyes widened as he jumped at you again quickly, chasing you to the edge of the roof. You faced him, taking small steps back whiles trying not to fall. You looked over, seeing Tsukiyama fighting against the tall dark haired officer by the stairs, struggling. "Stop it!" You screamed. "Please just stop!!"

"You have to jump!" Tsukiyama yelled, being grabbed and stabbed in his side, losing his breath.

You turned back to Juzo who was walking towards you with a wide smile. Your tears raced down your cheeks as he lunged at you one more time with a knife, but missed.

You felt the air pushing on your back as you saw the top of the building slip from your fingers. Everything fell silent for a moment, the ringing in your ears being the only thing you could hear as the roof drew further away from you.

The only sound your heard was Tsukiyama yelling; "AU REVOIR!!" as you seen him jump from the building, chasing after you.

You felt the air becoming heavier and heavier as you saw Tsukiyama pushing himself down towards you with his kagune digging into the building's brick wall. You closed your eyes, spilt seconds from excepting your fate before a pair of arms slid underneath you, launching you back up into the nights sky. Your eyes shot open as you were hit with a wave of shock and relief, seeing Tsukiyama's face under his mask as he jumped through the trees. You couldn't help but sob in his tux, holding onto him like he would drop you and leave you at any moment.

        The ride home was a blur that you couldn't seem to remember.


      You stood, leaning on the bathroom wall with your arms crossed underneath your chest, nervously waiting. Tsukiyama sat on the side of the tub, squinting his eyes and groaning in pain as one of his butlers stitched up the small bleeding hole in his side. His blazer and white shirt were goners as he had to take them off, leaving his chest exposed. You bit on the edge of your thumb as you watched in silence, fearing the worst.

       " he going to be okay?" You asked the butler.

       He sighed. "It was a big hit, but he's going to be fine. He just needs some fuel to get him through so he'll heal quicker." The butler stood. "I'm finished tending to his wounds, I'll grab you both something to eat." He quickly left the room as Tsukiyama groaned, rubbing his shoulder.

       "How do you feel?" You asked, your eyes saddened with concern.

      "It stings, but I'll make it through, thank you," he smiled. He gestured with his hand for you to come over, sitting next to him. "It's more about how you feel."

       "What do you mean?" You asked.

      "It must be traumatizing, being in a situation like that for the first time, knowing you are no longer human..."

       His voice trailed off as you shook your head, reaching for his bruised hand and intertwining your fingers in his. "No, it's okay. I'm fine," you said. "It shocked me, I'll admit it, but your safe. That's all that matters."

        He looked at you with sad eyes as he kissed your forehead. "Don't worry about me..." he said. "I'm Tsukiyama Shuu. I can get around anything I please," he chuckled.

     You let out a laugh before he pressed his lips on yours softly. "I'm sorry about the dress," you started to say.

       "Please I can return it," Tsukiyama rolled his eyes with a smirk. "I'll just go back to the shop and get it stitched up for you." He paused before stroking your cheek. "My darling angel."

         Before you could lean in again you were both interrupted by the butler walking in with a plate full of meat strips. "Your lunch Master Shuu," the butler said placing the plate in his hands.

      Tsukiyama thanked him as he bowed, quickly exiting the room to give you both some time alone. Tsukiyama took the fork and began tearing off pieces of the strips with his teeth. "You need to eat as well," he said as he gulped. "Your energy must be drained."

          "I-I'm fine," you started to say before he cut you off.

          "Eat," he said. "You didn't have any dinner today, eat the meat."

          He seemed a lot more strict than usual, making you shiver. You nodded your head, your hand shaking as you reached for a strip of meat, picking it up and tearing it off with your teeth. You swallowed, the sweet taste settling down in your throat making you ease up.

         "My sweet angel..." he says softly to you, holding your hand tighter.

        You smiled and looked up into his blue loving eyes, pressing your lips against his, the night flying by.

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