Chapter 5- The Bite

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You two didn't speak much the rest of the day. You felt as if you spoke one word you would either break down crying or get slapped in the face for asking a question. You spent the day in the library, picking books from shelves and reading each title, trying to pick one to read. You settled on "Egg of the Black Goat", another one by Sen Takastki you weren't that familiar with but gave it a try.

The hours past by as you read but felt like mer minutes when you heard the door click open. The butler that walked in on you and Tsukiyama yesterday was peering through the door, this time his mask was off hanging around his neck.

"(Miss/mister/other) (y/n), Master Shuu wants you to attend to dinner." His arm raised up to his chest as he gave a soft smile.

" is he?" You asked, laying the book down before standing.

The butler just nodded his head. "I assure you he's doing just fine. I'd advise you to move quickly though, your food may get cold."

You gave a slight nod before walking past him out of the room and down the hallway. When you entered the dinning room, you saw Tsukiyama sitting at the end of the table in a nice tux, his hair slicked back. You sat down next to him, a full plate of food in front of you. Potatoes, carrot, Turpin and meat all displayed elegantly across your plate. You looked over to him, seeing his plate was missing, his fork and knife stained red.

"Are you not going to eat?" You ask, slowly reaching for your fork.

"I ate earlier," he chuckled, "I thought I could keep you company." He laid his chin in his hand, staring at you with those blue eyes of his.

"Why do you eat earlier? Why can't we just eat dinner together?" You ask.

He shook his head side to side with a small smile. "I wouldn't want to freak you out, ma belle."

"It's not like I'm a vegan, you can eat in front of me y'know I'm not judging," you laugh, taking a bite into your potatoes.

(But if you are a vegan: "you don't have to be embarrassed, I don't mind if you need to eat animal meat in front of me," you chuckle, taking a bite into your potatoes.)

Your comment made him chuckle, but you saw the awkward tense in his eyes as he scratched the back of his neck. You brushed it off, thinking maybe he was subconscious of the way people see him eat.

After you finished your plate, you wiped your mouth with a napkin before the butler took your cutlery. Tsukiyama smiled and stood, sliding back his chair before taking your own and pushing it away from the table. You stood, taking his hand as he guided you up the stairs to your bedroom. You walked in and stretched your arms above your head, feeling great due to not having to wash the dishes. When your arms fell to your sides, you heard a soft click of the door, making you jump.

You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and pull you towards Tsukiyama's chest. You tensed up, not knowing what to do as you let him touch you.

"I need to talk to you about something..." Tsukiyama whispered in your ear, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You gulped and nodded your head, turning to face him as he kept his hands on you. He picked you up in his arms -like in those old wedding tv shows you used to watch- and placed you down so you were sitting on the bed, him kneeling in front of you. He took your hands in his and brushed your hair to the side.

"I have a show tomorrow," he started to say. "I will be hosting it."

Your eyes brightened, you didn't know he was famous.

"But I need you to be there, and I need you to be on your best behaviour. I don't want you to freak out. Just remember I'm doing this to protect you."

You couldn't help but wonder what he was talking about, but you nodded your head despite of it. It couldn't be that bad. He's obviously shown his trust. He's given you everything, and a small little favour like this should be easy.

He smiled at you, kissing your hand. He stared up at you with those lustful eyes again but you looked away, blushing and embarrassed. It was almost as if he was looking for permission to kiss you, but you brushed it off. Or, at least tried. You didn't really know how to feel.

"What are you hosting?" You asked, breaking the heat of the moment.

He smiled. "It's almost like a boxing match, but different. You'll see. The arena's massive, I hope you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will," you replied.

He leaned into you, slowly standing before leaning above you, his hands by your sides. Your heartbeat raced as you saw his face fall into a lustful expression. Your noses were almost touching.

"Ma belle, have I ever told you how beautiful you are...?" He whispered in his deep voice, sending a chill down your spine.

You let his warmth trance through you, your eyes fluttering closed. Everything was happening so fast. It felt so warm inside, yet, intense. It would be wrong for you to kiss him, he kin napped you. He took you from your broken home, your garbage school, and the people who never saw you or talked to you.

Your right this wasn't so bad.

You leaned in, as his lips softly pressed against yours. You felt like you were floating as he pulled you in by your waist, deepening it. He bit lightly on your lip, making your body lean in against his. Slowly, he pushed you down onto the bed, not breaking the connection between each other. His tongue grazed against your bottom lip, asking to explore the inside of your mouth.

You let him inside, and he didn't leave anything untouched. Your eyes opened wide when he trailed down to you neck, making small red marks on you. You tried to push him off, but to your surprise, he held tighter.

You let him win. Your letting him break you.

You started to pry your hands from your sides and push on his chest, making him squeeze you until you gasped for air. You pushed him away harder, but he only bit down harder on your skin.

You yelped in pain. "S-stop!" You exclaimed trying to push him off. "Let, g-go of me!"

You screamed as you heard a sharp crunch into your neck, blood dripping from it down to your dress. You threw your fists at him, but he wouldn't get off you until he sucked out enough blood. Once he loosened his grip, his expression changed as if he saw a modifying image.

"I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. " I didn't mean to I swear!"

You ignored him as you held onto the fresh wound spewing blood. Tsukiyama jumped off of you and raced to the washroom behind the door by the closet. He went through the cub bards under the sink, throwing everything out until he found gauze and pain killers. He ran right back into the room and poured the gauze over your wound, making you yelp out in pain. He handed you a glass of water as you took in the pain killers. Your eyes burned from the tears that felt like acid tracing down your face. He looked up at you with pleading eyes on his knees, brushing back your hair.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)... I don't know what came over me..." he shook his head, his eyes almost watering with tears of his own. You wiped you face clean before looking back at him. Your breathing became rhythmic, sounding painful and straining.

"There's-theres one more thing... I didn't tell you..." he choked.

You looked down at him confused. "What were you going to tell me," you asked through gritted teeth, your eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm not what you think I am," he started.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"I'm not human."

I Will be the Blood to your White Rose (Tsukiyama x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now