Chapter 20- Half Breed

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       You sat at the dinner table, anxiously waiting for Tsukiyama's arrival. When he came back, you looked up to see Kaneki standing next to him.

     "Kaneki..." you said as he walked in towards you.

     Tsukiyama looked at you with fearful eyes. "Can you help (her/him/them) at all?"

      "What's wrong with (her/him/them)?" Kaneki asked kneeling in front on you. You noticed something different about him, his usual dark hair now snow white and his face was scratched.

       You explained everything that happened to Kaneki from being kin napped to Tsukiyama finding you in the hospital. He clenched his hand over his face, as if he was disappointed in himself but you couldn't figure out why.

       "Everything tastes awful too," you started to say. "Eggs taste like lead, water tastes like permanent marker, and bread tastes like-"

      "Like pig mucus?" He finished your sentence.

Your eyes widened as he knew what you were thinking. "Who was the doctor who went through with the surgery?"

You scratched the back of your head. "Dr.Kano, I think?"

"Shit," Kaneki explained standing up on his feet. "Shit, shit, shit! That damn bastard!!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" You asked, standing up in defence. You hands clenched together into fits, your nails digging into your skin.

Kaneki looked at you with concerned and furious eyes. "It's all my fault. I killed Jason when I saw you strapped in that chair, because I sat there just like you. I was an idiot, I didn't realize Kano would have gotten to you first."

"I don't understand," you took a step back, your hands letting go and falling by your sides. "What do you mean?"

"That organ transplant," he started. "It was set up. They do testing in that hospital on ghouls, trying to create half breeds. You just so happened to be their new test subject."

You looked at him with concern. "Half b-breed? Like, a human mixed with a ghoul?"

He sighed. "Their rare but it's possible."

"How do you know?" You asked, your tears threatening to erupt.

He looked at you with saddened eyes. "Because I'm one of them."

You slapped your hand over your mouth, unable to keep back the ugly sobs that escaped your lips. Tsukiyama ran over to you and held you in his arms tightly, as if shielding you from Kaneki.

"I'm sorry," Kaneki said. "I should have been there sooner."

"Please just give us some privacy," Tsukiyama said not looking back at him. "You may leave, thank you for warning us."

You heard Kaneki walk out of the room and down the hall, leaving you alone in Tsukiyama's arms. You heard him whisper I'm sorry over and over to himself, as if blaming himself for the incident.

Your stomach grumbled making him jump. "Are you hungry?" He asked, loosening his grip on you.

"You know I can't eat another human," you said, looking up at him with sad eyes.

He brushed your hair back and placed his lips softly against yours.

"You have no other choice," he said.

"I can't do it!!" You yelled, placing your hands over your ears to block him out.

"I can't let you starve yourself!" He yelled back at you, throwing you off guard as you stumbled over your feet, hitting your knees on the floor.

Your eyes glistened with tears as he ran over to you, holding your shoulders. "I-I'm sorry (y/n) I-"

"Don't touch me!" You yelled at him, ripping his hands off your shoulders. "You left me back at that place, your the reason I'm like this!"

His eyes angered at your raging ones. You stared at him in pain. "I had to protect you. Jason threatened your life." His voice died down to a harsh tone, reminding you of the way your brother used to speak to you when you were little.

You caught your breath and held it, fearing if you breathed he would attack you.

"I won't let anything happen to you I promise," he told you softly, cooling you down.

You took a sharp breath in before breathing out. Tsukiyama helped you onto your feet as you staggered to stand still.

"Please teach me..." you whispered.

Tsukiyama looked down at you with questioned eyes. "Pardon?" He asked, his hand cupped on your cheek.

"Teach me how to be a ghoul. I don't want to eat human meat, but I promise I'll adapt over time." You tried to plaster a smile on your face as he shook his head.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just yet. I agree adaptation is the best way to go about, but we don't have to worry about that right now." He smiled down at you and brushed your cheek with his finger. "What pretty face you have," Tsukiyama said. "I don't want to lose you, you understand?"

You nodded your head as he leaned his lips in to kiss you. He felt so gentle, like he was being cautious that you were fragile. You leaned in and pressed your lips in his harder, his hands sliding down your back and holding you close to deepen it. Once he pulled away, his smile returned on his face.

"I love you," he said.

Your cheeks flushed pink as your eyes softened, realizing who you were looking at. He had turned from an ugly monster to the man you had fallen in love with at the coffee shop. "I love you too."

You leaned in again and pressed your lips against his. He picked you up under your knees as you giggled from surprise. You broke the space in between you as he carried you over to the library, setting you down on his lap in the chair.

You curled up into his chest so you legs were dangling from the chair. He was about to pick up the book from the coffee table before you placed a hand on his, drawing it back to your chest.

     "I just want it to be you and me right now... is that okay?" You purred to him, looking into his deep blue eyes.

    You saw his cheeks flush as a small smirk tugged at his lips. "Whatever you want ma belle."

    You pressed your lips against his, letting the feeling tie you two together. You laid your hands on his chest, letting them roam a bit up to his neck. His hands held to your hips tightly, softly digging in his nails to tease you.

      You broke the kiss, looking at him with saddened, lustful eyes. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you..." 

    Tsukiyama just shook his head. "You were frightened it's okay. Let's just forget about it right now~"

      Before you could answer he pressed his lips against your cheek, slowly placing them down to your neck.

        You didn't hesitate or tense; this time, you let him.

I Will be the Blood to your White Rose (Tsukiyama x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now