Chapter 16- Organ Transplant

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        You finally opened your eyes, your body now frozen in place. You sobbed, looking down at your legs, the twelve hours you stayed in that recurring hallucination making you want to rip your ears off.

       The pain inside your body was unbearable, at one point during one hallucination you felt something crawl into your ear and out the other. A large critter you thought, but you didn't see it.

       This time you noticed Jason was already in the room, making you sigh in relief. Your body felt it was moving slowly but surely, able now to twitch and move in directions.

      "How was it?" Jason smirked at you. "Was it fun?"

       Your didn't respond to him.

   "What?" He asked you, walking towards your chair. "I know you can talk now. Giving me the silent treatment?"

         You still couldn't say anything.

      "Talk bitch!" He yelled at you, grabbing a large butcher knife from the trolley and holding it up to your stomach. "Now be a good (boy/girl/person) and talk."

         You took in a sharp breath as Jason's faced relaxed. "I-I can't do t-this..." you tried to say.

     "Hm?" He asked. "Speak up. I can't hear you."

       "I can't do this anymore." You said. "Kill me."

      Jason laughed, hard. "Kill you?" He asked. "Kill you?! Ahaha!"

         He kneeled so he was facing you. "Now why would I kill someone like you? And here I thought you were putting up a fight."

        "Let me go," you said. "I need to find Tsukiyama." Your voice cracked over your sobs. "P-please."

     "He's dead!" Jason spat.

     "I need to find him." Your breathing became rhythmic and rough as you lungs contracted back to their regular form.

      Jason scoffed. "Your one hell of a dog, you know that? Always wanting to prance around his feet like a dumb bitch animal."

        You glared at him, your sobs slowing down as you caught your breath. "Where is he?"

         "He's dead," Jason said.

      "Where is he?" You asked again.

     "He's dead damnit! Put that through your thick skull."

        "Where is he?" You asked again, like a blind Siri in someone's phone that won't shut off.

       "Where is Kaneki?" Jason snarled.

      "I don't know."

    He slapped his hand across your face again, the feeling of it tense and reddening. "Well than maybe I should teach you a lesson-"

       "No!!" You screamed at him, slamming your back into the chair.

        Jason scoffed, tracing his hand through his short hair before standing up. "Well it's not like you know where Kaneki is so I won't be needing you."

        Your eyes widened as he twisted the butcher knife on the top layer of your skin. You held your breath, prepared for the inevitable. Although you only thought you were prepared.

          "It was fun I'll admit," Jason said. "But I'm done with you now. Your no fun anymore."

         He gabbed the butcher knife into the center of your stomach, dragging it down in a straight line before ripping it out of you.

          You let out the most blood curtailing scream you had ever heard, before the ringing buzzed in your ears. You looked down to see your organs starting to slip and plop onto the ground in front of you, making you want to vomit. Blood rose up in your throat as you coughed, spitting it out as it traced down your chin. You were still screaming, but you couldn't feel your lungs. It was like you were outside of your shell, seeing it kick and scream before your eyes started to black out.

          When you pried you're eyes open, you saw you were lying on the floor, multiple doctors surrounding your vision. You saw their  mouths moving under their masks, but couldn't define what they were saying due to the ringing in your ears.

        "(She/he/they)... orga...tra...lent..." you heard one voice say.

    "No..." another spoke. "...respons...lity..."

      You felt the arms of the doctors picking you up and placing you onto a bed rack. Before they dragged you out of the room- where you had assumed you were going because you could barley keep your eyes open- you saw something in the corner of your eye.

          A person. A boy, with white hair.

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