Chapter 24- The Party pt.1

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That day you practiced combat in the arena, waiting for Tsukiyama to get home. He had said he would only have been a minute, but it surprised you as you guessed he was gone for about an hour. You were wearing the new outfit that was bought for you that day whiles in training, hoping you'd break into it a bit.

You hooked your arm as you punched before being scared by the door to the arena opening. You turned to see Tsukiyama shutting it behind him, bright smile on his face as he held up a bag. "Guess what I have," he said, walking over to you and dropping the bag down onto the floor. He knelt down and reached into the bag as you raised an eyebrow.

"Is it-" you started to ask before he pulled it out of the bag, cutting you off.

He held a white leather mask in his hands, looking similar- almost parallel- to Kaneki's. "Your official ghoul mask," he smiled.

You jumped up in glee like a five year old kid on Christmas, carefully taking it from his hands and rubbing your thumb against the material. "Wow..." you whispered to yourself. "Thank you so much."

"Try it on!" He chuckled as you undid the clip in the back.

It was a bit of struggle attempting to get it on, but none the less it fit. Tsukiyama stood and got a close look at you. "The Gourmet and his White rose..." he said to himself. "C'est magnifique."

"I love it!" You smiled, jumping into him for a hug. "Thank you."

"You'll be able to wear it tonight at the party, if you'd like, (ms., mr., other) L," he chuckled. "I'd love to see you in something white."

You smiled and nodded, letting go of the grip you had around his neck. "I'll go get changed." You dashed off out of the arena as Tsukiyama shook his head, his hands placed on his hips.

Once you were in your room, you noticed a new dress laying on the bed, white, long and lacy with a note attached to it.

"Pour toi, ma belle," you read aloud. "From your love, Mr.M.M."

You smiled as you laid the note down on the bed, carrying the dress into the bathroom with you. Your tried it on, letting it drap over you gracefully. You tied your hair into a bun, but if your hair is short, you brush your fingers through it a bit. You smiled, as you walked out of the room, trying on your white glossy slip ons. You walked down the steps, your face turning pink once you saw Tsukiyama gawk at you.

"C'est très belle," he whispered to you as you walked up to him, the back of his hand brushing your cheek gently with his white gloves.

He had his half moon mask covering his face, his suit white as well with a rose inside the pocket. "Are you ready?" He asked you, holding your hand in his.

"Yes," you smiled before he kissed your hand.

You smiled as you reached for his face, unzipping the zipper of your mask to kiss him softly. Your cheeks lit up as you zipped your mask back up, intertwining your fingers with his as he walked you out to the front door. A butler stood there, opening the door for you as you both walked out to the limousine just in front of the mansion.

"Holy shit..." you whispered to yourself as Tsukiyama walked you out. You grabbed the hem of your dress as you slid into the back seat of the car with Tsukiyama.

"Misseur PG's new house hold please," he asked of the butler in the front seat. The butler nodded his head and drove, out of the parking lot and into the road.

"Madame A's previous one?" The butler asked him as they drove onto the highway. "I'm surprised your bringing (her/him/them) with you."

"(She/he is/they are) my guest of honour, of course I would bring (Ms./Mr./other) (y/n) with me." Tsukiyama reassured him. They were talking like you weren't there as you fiddle with your thumbs.

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