Chapter 13- Reuonion

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      That day you had went home drained from the school papers and due dates dropped onto your back. You were laid out on the couch, thinking of your interaction with Kaneki. Your eyebrows furrowed at the thought. You understood where he was coming from but it still hurt to think your last resort knew nothing of where Tsukiyama might have gone.

       Your heard about six knocks on the door that day, all the damn reporters wanting you to answer their questions in order to start an investigation. You ignored all of them. They were going to try and harass you to track down Tsukiyama, but you couldn't have that.

There was another knock on the door, but this time someone spoke. "Hey (y/n)? It's me Cassie. The coffee girl," she joked.

You sighed and got up off the couch, opening the door to see that fiery red hair again, the one you always see serving you coffee at the coffee shop. You questioned how she knew where you lived, but none the less stepped out of the way to let her into your apartment.

"I came to see how you were feeling," she said. "After disappearing for so long and stuff."

She pulled out a chair for herself and sat down at the table as you walked over to the counter. "Coffee?" You asked as she laughed at your joke.

"Sure," she smiled.

You turned on the pot and almost forgot we're the coffee beans were too in the freezer like it was someone else's home. Once finished you placed the two mugs down on the round table as you sat down next to her.

"Thanks for stopping by," you started to say. "Bet your curious where I've been."

Her eyes glanced down at her coffee and she pressed the cup to her lips. "Well wouldn't anyone?" She laughed. "I'm assuming everyone else is at school then."

"Yeah, it's crazy some lengths they'll go to satisfy their curiosity." You took a sip from our cup as she just looked up at you.

She waved her palm at you shaking her head back and forth. "Okay where have you been (miss/mister/other) smarty pants. Obviously something happened to you cause that was some fancy word choice," she laughed.

You raised your eyebrow at her. "Nothing wrong with learning some new vocabulary."

Cassie laughed as she put down her cup. "But seriously, where have you been?"

You started to sweat when realizing you didn't have a flat out story. You couldn't tell her the truth, but it's not like you wanted to lie either. "I just had to get away somewhere I guess."

"You didn't think to tell anyone?" Cassie raised an eyebrow as she leaned over the coffee table.

"Didn't think it was that necessary. I mean c'mon, who am I going to tell?" You laughed. "HeY bRothEr im rUnNinG aWay fRoM hOmE nOw!" You joked in a sarcastic voice.

"You've got a point," Cassie laughed. "But still, what if you got hurt or lost?"

"It was fine I was with someone," you playfully shrugged.

"With who?" She asked.

Damnit. You thought. Shouldn't have said that.

"No one important, now butt out," you chuckled, sipping your coffee.

Cassie raised a 'I'm not dense' eyebrow as she crossed her arms under her chest. "M'kay spill the beans. Now you have to tell me."

"No I don't," you shook your head.

"Is he you boyfriend?"


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