Chapter 25- The Party pt.2

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Everyone had clapped after the pianist bowed, taking a break to freshen up before people went to dance again. Before you could tell Tsukiyama how you felt, you were caught off hard by a group of women almost instantaneously surrounding him like dogs.

"Mr.M.M! Lovely to see you here," one said, touching his arm in a way that made you twitch.

"So glad you could join us for the party," said another, pushing her hand off his chest as you lowly growled in your mask.

"Merci beaucoup," Tsukiyama nodded as if it was nothing. The women acted as if you weren't there, really throwing you off guard.

You felt a tap on your shoulder as you spun on your heels, seeing Mister PG standing in front of you. "May I have a dance with you? Mr.M.M seems occupied," he chuckled to you, taking your hand.

"S-sure," you aloud, letting him practically sweep you off your feet back onto the dance floor. The music began again as he waltz with you like Tsukiyama did.

"Tell me, how did you meet Mr.M.M?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

It threw you off guard as you tried to stay calm, hoping to lie low. "I met him in a coffee shop."

Mister PG nodded his head as he spun you around, almost stumbling over your own feet. "I wouldn't play dumb for his sakes, you and I both know what he did."

Your eyes narrowed in anger. "What do you want from him?"

Mister PG just laughed as he danced with you across the stage. "It's not what I want with him, it's what I want with you."

"So you do know me," you growled.

"I know everything about you," Mister PG smirked under his mask.

"What's your deal? How do you know me?" You snapped, his mere presence setting you off edge.

"My, my, your quite the fighter. You seemed so shy when I first met you." He stopped dancing and pulled you aside, leaning down in your ear so only you could here. "Let's just say, Dr.Kano did some good work on you~"

Your eyes widened as you saw Tsukiyama staring at you on the other side of the dance floor. You jumped as Mister PG bit and licked your ear before leaving you in the abyss of the crowd. You saw Tsukiyama's face under his mask rage as he practically ran towards you. Once he finally got to you he grabbed your hand with no questions and dragged you out of the room and towards a spiralling stair case in the back of the room. He dashed up there with you, as if he was running to get you away from something.

"Tsukiyama s-slow down!" You yelled as his grip tightened on your wrist, making you stumble over your feet on the last two steps before he opened a door. You felt the cool air breeze through your hair as he pulled you out, shutting the door behind him. You recognized this place to be one of the roofs on the pillars of the building, the night sky gleaming with stars. You turned around to see Tsukiyama walking towards you. He unzipped your mask and took his off as he kissed you deeply, catching you off guard. He held his arms around you as you held yours clenched to his back. He pulled away, a sad look on his face like a puppy lost in the streets.

"I'm so sorry..." he said. "I just needed to get us away from there."

Your eyes softened as your brushed your hand against his cheek. "You saw Mister PG, didn't you?" You said, your eyebrows lowering in guilt as you were afraid what he might think.

"You looked so scared; the damn bastard," Tsukiyama scoffed. "He shouldn't be touching you. You belong to me," his eyebrows angered.

"Tsukiyama..." you whispered, your knees weakening to his touch. "I promise he never will again, I can take care of myself."

You took off your mask and leaned in, pressing your lips against his. Tsukiyama pulled away quickly, making you groan in your head.

"What did he say to you," Tsukiyama whispered, hard for you to hear.

"What?" You asked. "It's fine it's just-"

"What did he say?" He cut you off, raising his voice.

"H-he," you started trying to find the right words. "He told me he's a friend of Dr.Kano's... he knows everything," you shook your head, the tears threatening to erupt.

He held you tight in his arms, as if fearing you'd disappear in any second. "I won't let anything happen to you," he said. "Not after last time." You struggled for him to loosen his grip as you looked up at him, kissing him deeply again. He was tall, making you stand partly on your toes as he crouched over.

He seemed to calm down once you roamed your lips on his, letting him know that everything was okay. He wasn't going to lose you because you didn't want to leave him. "It'll just be the two of us," you whispered, breaking the space between you two for just a moment. "I love you."

"I love you too," Tsukiyama smiled. "My pride and joy~"

Before you could reach for him again you heard the metal door swing open, both of you turning to see one of Mister PG's butlers.

"Your presence is needed down stairs," he said, his face sharp with no emotion. "The main events about to start."

Tsukiyama looked at you, looking for a sign of consent as you just nodded, walking towards the butler. Tsukiyama sighed, walking up close behind you. Once heading down the stairs you both heard booming of music, everyone down there wooing and cheering for an unknown person.

You walked from the stairs into the lobby again, holding onto Tsukiyama tightly as you walked up into the circling crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," said Mister PG, standing in the open center of the crowd. "Tonight's feast will be quite interesting, never have you seen it before!"

The crowd cheered and clapped as he continued to speak, his voice booming throughout the room. You jumped as you peered over the crowd of people, seeing a circle in the floor contract on itself, the sound of metal clanging against your ears. You saw a large metal plate on wheels rise from the floor, a man strapped to it by his wrists and ankles. His screams were muffled by a gag, making you slap and hand over your mouth to stop from sobbing at the sight. He was wearing a white lab like coat over his suit, almost as if he was some sort of detective.

Mister PG spoke, making the crowd settle down into silence. "Tonight ladies and gents, we shall feast upon CCG's flesh!"

Everyone cheered as you looked over at Tsukiyama, seeing his face frightened just as much as yours. "Their almost here..." he whispered, just enough for you to hear.

"What? What are you talking about?" You asked, your hands shaking rapidly.

"Every CCG has a tracking device on them, damn bastard, he led the CCG officers to us!" Tsukiyama yelled for you to hear, grabbing your wrist and making a head start for the stairs.

That's when you heard the first gun shot.

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