Chapter 2- Kidnapped

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You awoke in immense pain, your forehead beating from whatever hit you. Sitting up, you placed your palm to your head, before looking around in terror.

You awoke in a bed with lavender, silky sheets. The walls were painted a magenta red, with a rich looking dresser and a window with metal bars covering it. Daylight poured in between the bars and into the room, making it obvious it was early in the morning.

You jumped as you looked down to see if your close we're still on, and thankfully they were. But not your clothes. You sat in a white corset dress, covered by a lace see-through robe made for a queen of some sorts. You pulled back the sheets to see it reach down to your legs, spreading across the bed.

Holding your head that tensed up again, you remembered yesterday. The dark alley way. The hand. The voice.

Damnit, you thought, I've been kinnaped by a French sicko.

You jumped again as you heard the bedroom door click, covering yourself up with the blanket again. When the door opened all the way, the man shut the door behind him before his blue eyes connected with yours.

And that rich purple hair.


"Your awake..." said the man. "...I guess your an early riser."

"Who are you?" You ask, impatient. "What the hell am I doing here?"

He sighed and put his hand onto his forehead. "Call me Tsukiyama Shuu, but please, Tsukiyama's fine."

"Ain't that a unique name..." you mumbled under your breath, but he still seemed to hear you and chuckled.

"Your hilarious ma belle. What shall I call you?" He smiled, that warm smile you saw yesterday on his face.

"(Y/n)..." you mumbled, questioning if you should introduce yourself to the man that kinnaped you. "....(y/n) (y/L)."

"That's pretty," Tsukiyama explained. "I like it."

"Why am I here?" you ask again. "Let me go home."

Tsukiyama shook his head, walking over to you, stopping when you shivered and slid away. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you go home. Not yet."

"Why not?!" You practically yelled. "I want to go home!"

"To where? The family you love so much? Yes, jump back into their arms with all the little friends you made at school."

You stop, huffing in anger. You couldn't help but say that... he was right. You are alone. You don't fit. You won't ever fit. You couldn't even question how he knew that.

"What...happened last night...? What did you... do...?" The question burned on your tongue as you thought about the clothes you were wearing.

"I wouldn't lay a finger on you."

You sighed in relief, putting your hand on your chest.

"Although," he continued, "we had to wash your clothes for you. My butler helped you get dressed whiles you were unconscious." He gave a soft smile and you returned one before quickly dropping it in realization.

He walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed as you backed up as far as you could to the bed frame. He reached out his hand as you turned your cheek, and jumped when he brushed your face. "My apologies..." he stated quickly, taking his hand back. "...I couldn't help myself. Your very beautiful."

You blush and huff crossing your arms. "Don't say that," you spat out, hoping to put 'creep' at the end of it but somehow feeling guilty if you did.

He stood and reached his hand out to you, a smile across his lips. "Why don't we head for breakfast downstairs? We have (coffee/tea/juice/other) and toast prepared for you."

Wanting to resist, you took his hand and stood, the dress sliding off the bed and slipping down past your feet. He guided you out of the room, clicking the door shut behind him as you looked around in awe. There were grand stairs to your left, looking long and tiring as a grand chandelier hung from the ceiling inside the massive room. As he guided you down the atrociously long steps, you noticed a long table that could fit possibly twenty people. He brought you over to the chair next to his at the first end of the table, pulling it out as you settled in your seat. The smell amazed you as you looked down at your plate, seeing toast, eggs, bacon, everything. You slightly drooled as you resisted to pick up your fork, noticing Tsukiyama didn't have anything on his plate.

"Are you not going to eat? It's not poisonous I promise you," he smiled, laying his chin on his knuckles.

"How would I know that," you argued. "Your not even eating. For all I know you brought me here to murder me."

Tsukiyama tolled his eyes. "If I were to do that I would have already done it."

You felt stupid when you realized he did have a fair point. You picked up your fork with shaky hands, diving into your eggs first as you nibbled a bit off. When it tasted normal, almost amazing, you began to eat the rest of it.

"I noticed you liked to read, Sen Takatski correct?" He smiled.

You paused before you took another bite. "...well yeah. I saw you reading the same book as me in that coffee shop."

"So you do remember?" He grinned happily.

"You stood out a lot, your the only one I really saw in there that enjoyed books." You couldn't believe you were having a normal conversation with this guy.

           He spoke again, but his voice was distant as you felt your head throbbing from the hit in the head last night. You put your hand to your head, an aggravated noise escaping your lips.

         "Ma belle are you alright?" Tsukiyama asked, sliding out of his chair.

        You slightly shook your head as he took you away from your empty plate, pulling out your chair and picking you up from under your shoulders and knees. "I'll get you upstairs," he explained. "I'm sure after some rest you'll feel better."

        You wanted to fight against him as he guided you to your room, but his body heat made your eyes flutter closed. You didn't realize you were freezing all the time until you had met him.

         When you got up to the room, he laid you back down on the bed you started in, pulling up the sheets for you.

           "Sleep it off for now," he smiled. "I'll see to it when you awake."

            You nodded your head as he left you in the room by yourself, wanting to fight off the pain, but unable to as your eyes fluttered closed.

I Will be the Blood to your White Rose (Tsukiyama x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now