Chapter 21- Training

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        You awoke that morning to a pair of strong arms rapped around you. When you had opened your eyes, your saw a shirtless Tsukiyama holding you into his chest as he slept. You smiled and curled in tighter, letting your eyes flutter close again. You were happy you didn't have to wake up early to that blaring alarm clock anymore.

         You heard Tsukiyama groan as he twisted himself a bit before opening his eyes to see you. His face lit up into a soft smile when his eyes opened fully.

        "Bonjour, ma belle," he smiled, holding you closer to his beating chest.

        "Good morning to you too," you giggle as he places a kiss on your cheek.

        He looked into your eyes for a long moment before abruptly getting out of bed, letting go of you and leaving you with a small chill. "I have something I want to show you," he stated, grabbing his white blouse and purple dress pants from off the floor and shoving them on. You watched as his curved arms slipped into the sleeves, almost mesmerized. You felt your cheeks warm up.

"What is it?" You raised an eyebrow.

He opened his mouth to answer you, but was immediately interrupted by the sound of a knock on the bedroom door. "Master Shuu?" the voice of the butler asked. "I have the ladies clothes, washed and hung to dry as you requested."

"Come in," he smiled.

The butler opened the door and placed a folded outfit into Tsukiyama's hands. "Merci," he thanked him before his butler scurried out the door, shutting it behind him.

Tsukiyama walked over to your side of the bed as you stood, handing you your old clothes you had worn at your brothers apartment. "I thought you said this was atrocious?" You chuckled.

He gave a shrug. "I wouldn't want you training in something valuable."

Your eyes lit up, a smile tugging at your lips. "Your training me today? But I thought you said-"

"You wanted me to teach you to be a ghoul, didn't you?" he cut you off, smirking.

You simply nodded your head as left the room for you to get changed. You threw on your grey hoodie, rolling up the sleeves as you pulled up the ripped, blue jeans, struggling with the buttons before you fit into them. You couldn't help but pull the collar around your nose, smelling the scent of cherry blossoms and raspberries. The smell of Tsukiyama made you weak in the knees.

You scurried out of your room and down the steps, seeing Tsukiyama at the end of the stairs with a soft smile on his face. When you were standing face to face, he tilted his head, his cheeks flushing as he examined you. "That outfit is really atrocious," he snickered.

"Your terrible at giving constructive criticism."

He merely chuckled as he took your hand, guiding you past the dining room and down the hall. He opened a large door at the end of the hallway, leading into a small concrete room with one of the walls rounded with a massive bars, leading to an arena. A key pad hung next to you on the wall, and when pushing some numbers in with his fingers, the door raised open, the loud screech hurting your ears. He stepped out into the massive arena as you followed suit, remembering that this was the room where Kaneki had fought for his life at the show. You could only imagine the fear he must've experienced with all those chairs filled with ghouls.

"Now," Tsukiyama turned, rolling up his sleeves. "I want you to punch me."

You raised an eyebrow as you held back a laugh. "You want me, to punch you?"

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