Chapter 29- Outting

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          Tsukiyama was bright that day, dressing in his regular clothing as you walked out of the bathroom in your overalls. He turned towards you, adjusting his hair and collar playfully making you giggle.

              "What is this for again?" you asked, shaking your head as he ran up too you.

       "We're going on a little outing," Tsukiyama smiled, taking your hands in his. He brushed your hair back from your face with his fingers before planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. "Get your boots on, we'll be heading out to the car."

            Quickly you both rushed out of the room, down the stairs and towards the front doors of the mansion down the hall. Waving the butler goodbye as you both threw on your shoes, you stepped onto the pavement and scurried to the tiny vehicle like two kids racing to get at the Christmas tree. You touched the door handle just moments before Tsukiyama, groaning as you laughed.

           "I win," you claimed, sliding into the passenger seat. He shook his head, reminding you of the times you would do that when your brother made it to your parents car first, claiming the front seat. You seemed to see a lot of Dylan when he was younger in Tsukiyama now-a-days.

            He booted up the engine and drove out of the parking lot, driving head first to get to the highway. He placed one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on the clutch. You reached your hand over, your cheeks bright with a smile as you placed it on top of his. You looked up to his him chuckle softly as he took your hand, intertwining your fingers. It was as if you were saying I love you without using any words.

The love in the air settled as he parked the car into a close-to-empty parking lot. You glanced up from exiting the car, seeing a giant sign reading: "Dress to Impress".

"A wedding shop?" you whispered to yourself, your questioning expression lifting into a smile.

Tsukiyama held the door open for you as you giggled, thanking him and walking inside. There, you were greeted by an older woman behind a counter, slowly tapping the buttons of a cash register. She seemed to be lost in her own little world as you looked around, the beauty of the flowers and white gowns catching your eye. You didn't notice you were gaping until you saw the woman look up at you with a warm smile.

"Its so nice to have such a lovely, young customer these days," she nodded, surprising you as she walked off a stool behind the counter and slowly made her way around it. "What are you looking for today you two?"

Tsukiyama rested a hand on your shoulder as he stood behind you. "A wedding dress, s'il vous plais. For the lovely (lady/gentlemen/other)," he chuckled.

"How sweet and handsome," the lady laughed. "Y'know if I was your age," she pointed towards you, "I'd be the happiest woman alive marrying a man like him."

You giggled as you shook your head. "Now," said the lady, "what kind of dress are you shopping for today?" She closed her hands together as she walked over to the rack lined with white glistening gowns, almost out of a fairy tale. "We have mermaid ones, skin tight, long sleeve, short sleeve, full, thin, long, short..."

Her voice trailed off as you turned, a mannequin standing on a sliver plate wearing a puffy skirted dress. The white lace belt that connected the shirt to the skirt was full of glistening jewels. The sleeves were long and lacey. The face of the mannequin faded away as it started to look like you, standing there with the brightest smile. The bouquet in your hands reflecting the blue of his eyes as you chase off into the night sky, hoping from building to building.

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