Chapter 30- Trapped

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That day you both sat at the table for breakfast, talking and planning your wedding day. Your face was smiling as you ate, occasionally glancing up to see the small snowflakes fall from the high windows. It was then when both of you were giggling to his sarcasm that one of his butlers walked in with the trolley, placing a stack of letters down onto the table.

        "Your mail Master Shuu," he said before scurrying out of the room.

        Tsukiyama raised an eyebrow questionably at the stack of letters tied in a ribbon before picking it up and undoing it. He flipped through a few before stopping on one, reading the title and dropping all the other letters onto the table.

       "What is it?" You asked him, hesitation in your voice.

        Tsukiyama didn't tell you as grabbed his butter knife and cut the seal open quickly, pulling out the letter and reading it. "No..." he mumbled, shaking his head.

        "What is it?" You repeated yourself, speaking louder.

         Tsukiyama slumped back into his chair. "It's nothing of your concern, leave it alone."

        You grabbed his wrist before he could pick up his fork again. "Tell. Me. What. It. Says." You glared at him with dark eyes as he sighed in guilt.

       "The war," he said. "The war between the twentieth and the twenty-forth ward ghouls has started. All ghouls of both wards have to attend.." Tsukiyama paused. "I have to go."

        "What...?" You shook your head, biting down on your lip. "Y-you can't," you stumbled. "You can't just leave me here and die by yourself on that field. I'm going with you-"

       "I'm not letting you out there!!" He shouted, catching you off guard as you stumbled on your words. "What happens when you have to go with me? Than what? You'll die out there and I can't lose you."

      "I've been training!" You attempted to argue.

      "But will it be enough against the CCG?"

    Tsukiyama hung his head down in silence, his elbow on the table as his head laid frustrated in his finger tips.

        You spoke in whisper. "You said you would let me fight by your side. If your going to go out there and kill yourself might as well be us both."

        You held his hand in yours, but he quickly pulled away and stood, his chair screeching from the table. "Come with me." He said, picking you up from under your knees.

       "Tsukiyama stop! Put me down!" You complained, throwing your fists into his chest but no use came of it. He dragged you up the stairs and into your bedroom, placing you down on your feet.

        "I'm leaving," he said turning from you and walking to the doorframe. He turned as he held the door knob from inside. "But your not!" He yelled, the door slamming shut as your heard the rumbling of keys and the lock clicking.

       You rushed over to the door, attempting to turn the knob but it wasn't opening. "Let me out!" You screamed. "You can't!!"

       His shoes scurried down the stairs from behind the door. "Make sure (she/he doesn't/they don't) leave that room..." his voice trailed off into the dining room, no longer in ear reach.

       You repeatedly banged on the door until your fist scraped with bruises as it turned a reddish colour. You grabbed your hand in pain, huffing from what air you had left in your lungs. "Open this door!!" You screamed. "You'll die out there! YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE!!"

        Your broke out into sobs as your hand traced down the wood of the door, your legs giving out from under you as your slipped to the floor. You held your knees up to your chest, sobbing into them. Everything had happened so fast.

         It was after a while of being slumped on the floor that you stood up, looking around the room only to lock eyes with the window. The bars were newer, making it seem hard to escape from. You knew if you broke down the door with your kagune his butlers downstairs would get to you. You ran over to the closet, grabbing the black outfit with overalls and your green jacket, throwing them on. You took your mask from the bathroom sink, tying the leather pieces in the back before tying your hair up or running your fingers through it. You decided to keep your hood up, in case anyone recognized you. You turned back around and headed straight for the window, ready to break them with your kagune in one swift moment.

        But you couldn't. You barley knew how to use your kagune, let alone summon it. You thought long and hard, squeezing you eyes shut in hopes of it bursting out of your back, but it didn't.

       You grew impatient with time, thinking of Tsukiyama out there without you, fighting against the twenty-forth wards ghouls to protect you and the house hold. Your eyebrows furrowed, angry and anxious at the thought. You felt your stomach rumble, wanting to feed off of something but you didn't have food anywhere in your room. You paced around the room in circles, thinking about food and a plan and flesh.

         Flesh, you repeated again in your head.

    You looked down at your fore arm, realizing you didn't have ghoul flesh, but a humans. You hesitated as you raised it up to your teeth, your hands trembling. After taking in a deep breath of air, you chomped down into your skin. Blood oozed from the wound as you twitched, the pain slowly seeping in and becoming unbearable. You chewed and swallowed quickly, in hopes not to think to much of it.

          When the blood hit your tongue your kagune exploded from behind you knocking over the bars that barricaded you inside. They fell to the floor with a hard clang, making you jump in hopes the people downstairs wouldn't charge in. You ran towards the window, fidgeting with the hatch and lifting it open. The afternoon breeze hit your skin as you crawled through the tight space, getting stuck on your kagune, then moving again. You shut the window as you drove your kagune into the brick wall before leaping forwards, jumping off trees like jellyfish. In the far distance, you heard the sounds of small gun shots and screams, smirking and heading in that direction.

        You were going to find Tsukiyama, even if it was too late.

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