Chapter 10- An Unexpected Visitor

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           You stood in the mirror, looking yourself up and down before deciding you looked great and headed for the stairs. You walked down the steps as you saw Tsukiyama dressed in a fancy blue tux, his arms placed by his sides with gloved hands.

         "Bonne après-midi ma belle," he said with a smile. "Your outfit est magnifique."

          "Thank you," you said, your cheeks lighting up. He took your hand at the bottom of the stairs in his and lead you to the dinner table, the smell of the food filling your nose as you sat down.

         "It smells amazing," you smiled, raising your shoulders.

         "The aroma is quite intriguing isn't it?" Tsukiyama smiled, taking a deep breath in.

         A butler walked in -one that you recognized- rolling a trolley into the room. He placed down two plates on the table in front of you two, one full of your favorite dinner meal, and the other slices of what looked like some different kind of cooked meat.

        "Très bien misseur," Tsukiyama stated, picking up his fork. "Your dinners are always quite tasteful." He stuck his fork into one of the steak-like slices and placed it in his mouth before swallowing. "The livers always my favorite part." He winked at you as your head lowered in embarrassment, looking down at your plate. He just complemented the chef for cooking another human being.

          Don't think like that, You thought. It's steak, it's pork, it's something.

        The waiter bowed before he pushed the trolley out of the room. Your eyes darted back to your meal, the scent inescapably delicious. You placed your fork down into it, taking a bite. You chewed on the best thing you had ever eaten. Tsukiyama was right, props to the chef.

        "So tell me," Tsukiyama smiled at you, placing his cheek on the back of his palm. "Do you like it here?"

        "What?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

       Tsukiyama chuckled. "Do you like it here? In my place?"

       You never thought about it before. You couldn't admit you liked it, but it's not like you ever wanted to escape. You felt free here, even better, you finally had someone who wanted to talk to you.

         "It's decent yes," you started to say. "I like staying here."

         "Decent?" Tsukiyama asked, a confused look upon his face as he lifted his chin.

        You grew nervous, not knowing what to say. "N-no not like that, I mean..." you couldn't find the right words to catch yourself.

         Tsukiyama just laughed again. "I'm only joking love. You seem so adorable when you can't find the right words to describe how you feel." He took another bite of the meat.

       You smiled at him, seeing his soft spot for one of the first times. It's that face you fell in love with.

        Suddenly you heard a huge knock as a butler walked into the dining room. "Master Shuu," he said. "Your wanted by a visitor."

        You heard Tsukiyama growl underneath his breath as he practically slammed his fork down on the table. "Who's interrupting my meal?" He grumbled.

       He stood from the table as the chair made a loud screech. "I'll be back in just a minute," he whispered to you, walking to the door of the room. There, you saw a tall man with a ski mask, his hair flaming white like the suit he was wearing. He slid his mask off, exposing the smirk on his face.

        "Mister Shuu, so nice to see you again," you heard them talk, but was hard to hear since they were so far away. You decided to fuck it and stand up from the table, pissed that you weren't involved in any conversations Tsukiyama had with other people.

       You walked over to Tsukiyama and hid behind him, grabbing hold of his shoulders.

         "Ah, and who might this be?" The white haired man asked, his deep voice almost cutting at your ears.

       You stepped out from behind Tsukiyama to face him. But damn he was so tall. He intimidated you so much you felt like you couldn't speak in front of him. "I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm a good friend of Tsukiyama's."

       "Jason. It's nice to meet such a pretty (lady/man/person) like you."

        You blushed at his comment, but before you could respond, Tsukiyama cut the conversation short. "What assistance do you need?" He asked, a small harshness in his tone.

        Jason chuckled. "Little birdie told me the Gourmet knows were Ken Kaneki is, is that correct?"  He smirked, obviously setting off Tsukiyama.

       "You won't find him here." He stated.

    "That's not what I'm asking," Jason spat. He leaned over so he was Tsukiyama's height. "Where is he?"

        "I don't know. He left before I had the chance to feed him at our nights feast."

         You almost puked. They were talking about the boy with the black hair that night at the show about a week ago.

         Jason laughed. "We're did he go then?"

       "I told you, I don't know." Tsukiyama stated.

         Jason's snarl turned into a dirty frown. "Now I didn't want to have to get ugly with your pretty, perfect face Mister Shuu," he started. "But if you can't give me the information I'm looking for I won't give a second glance on killing you."

         Your heart was speeding out of your chest. You were begging Tsukiyama in your head to tell him where Kaneki was. You gripped onto Tsukiyama's shoulder tighter.

           "Now tell me. Where. Is. Kaneki?" He asked angrily, not even blinking his eyes.

          "The only one who will be enjoying him as a meal is me. You can take your freaky pilers and go."

         Jason's eyes widened and so did yours as he shoved Tsukiyama to the ground. Jason also had a similar snake thing protrude out of his back, aiming to stab Tsukiyama.

       "Stop it!" You screamed as you jumped for his weapon, holding it back as tightly as you could. He saw this and was able to shake you off quickly, throwing you across the room as you tumbled over on the floor.

       "No!" You heard Tsukiyama yell as you watched him jump at Jason through blurry eyes. Now both of there weapons were out as they fought, you unable to lift your limbs off the ground just yet. You were stuck hopeless as you let Tsukiyama fight for the both of your lives. You hated that thought.

       After awhile of trying to gain back your conciseness, you felt a presence pick you up and hold you in their arms tightly as they ran out of the room. You opened your eyes wide enough to see Tsukiyama's face covered in blood, not noticing you were awake. Once he opened a door you saw his face in the moon lit sky, making you smile. "Tsukiyama..." you tried to say but only came out as a raspy whisper.

           You fell out of conciseness again until that morning.

I Will be the Blood to your White Rose (Tsukiyama x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now