Chapter 18- Alive

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      "Your alive," you cried into his shoulder as he held you in his arms. "I thought you were dead..."

       Tsukiyama looked down at you as your heart raced. He stroked your hair, a tear falling from his cheek as well. "I'm so sorry," he said to you. "I just couldn't lose you. But now your here, your okay." He kissed your forehead before you buried your face into his chest again.

       You don't even know the half of it, you wanted to say but kept your mouth shut, not wanting to spoil the moment.

        "We can go back," you said with a smile. "You can take us back to the Gourmet Restaurant."

         Tsukiyama shook his head as you looked up at him. "No. Jason promised me he would find you and kill you-"

        "He won't," you cut him off, holding his cheek in your hand.

       "What are you talking about?" Tsukiyama asked you, tilting his head to the side. You stroked his cheek with your thumb.

       "He's dead," you stated.

     Tsukiyama's eyes widened before softening again, the sight of your face warming his heart and cooling him down.

         "I'll talk about it more later, but right now, we need to go. The reporters will never stop questioning me until they find you and take you away."

        "Ma belle you always seem to forget who your talking to," Tsukiyama chuckled. "You know they can't get me."

        You giggled before giving him a tight hug. He picked you up under your knees and shoulders before turning towards the window. "I hope your not afraid of heights," he chuckled in your ear.

         "I won't look," you smiled at him.

     He nodded his head before charging straight first for the window, his kagune (as he taught you what it was called before) exploded from his back to help catch his fall before he jumped.

      You tried not to scream as you felt the air around you falling. But before you hit the ground, he threw his kagune onto the side of the building to help his landing. His arms were rapped tightly around you, and it was the first time you saw his kagune only spewing out of his back.

       He brushed through trees, climbed electric poles and flung in the air the rest of the way home with you in his arms, the view breathtaking.

      You told him everything that had happened before you had gotten changed into something more formal and elegant that night, your night gown and lace robe ten times better than the bloody hospital dress they lent to you. You laid on the bed in Tsukiyama's arms, your head resting on his chest as you could feel his heart beat. His beating heart. Alive.

        "I thought you were dead," you repeated yourself.

      "Mais, pourquoi?" Tsukiyama asked in a soothing voice, stroking your hair between his large finger tips. He sounded concerned to you, holding you slightly tighter in his arms.

      "Jason claimed he killed you..." you whispered. "I believed him."

         "Jason is gone now," Tsukiyama stated. "He was only trying to get into your head."

       "In my head..." you repeated.

   You curled your fingers into his chest as you looked up at those blue bright eyes lustfully staring down at you.

        "May, may I have, a kiss?" Tsukiyama asked you, his serious looking face turning red.

        You bit down on your lip. Surely you were close to Tsukiyama but you didn't know how to respond. He wasn't your boyfriend or anything. Your cheeks flushed red as you debated on an answer.

        You slowly nodded your head as he chuckled, leaning down towards you. You tensed up as his soft lips pressed gently against yours, as if you would run away if he pressed to hard. You settled down your shoulders as you eased into it, your heart melting inside your rib cage.

       He pulled away and shook his head at you. "Your stunning, I don't know if I could ever get enough of you."

        Your face had to be flushed red at this point because Tsukiyama started chuckle again. "Am I charming you?" He asked.

        "Oh hush," you smiled rolling your eyes. "You wish."

      "My dear your face is flushing red," he smirked.

       You groaned as he laughed. He leaned down for another kiss, this time shorter and sweeter. You didn't want to admit it, but you loved the (favorite/fruit) taste in his mouth.

        "I love you..." he said. " sweet jewel..."

     Your eyes softened as they stared in his, your heart unable to stop beating. He brushed your hair back through his fingers again before cupping your face in his hand.

          "I'm glad your okay," you smiled at him, feeling weak in the knees.

        He held onto you tighter as he laid his head back on the pillow of your bed. "We should fall to sleep soon, it's quite late," he sighed.

       You simply nodded your head as he turned to flick the lamp off, moving right back into the position he was in. You curled into him, letting his body heat warm up your cold skin. Your hand intwined with his, making your heart jump. You attempted to close your eyes, but were to distracted by looking up at his.

         You placed a kiss on his cheek before whispering to him.

        "T-Tsukiyama?" You whispered.

     "Oui?" He looked down at you.

     "I love you too."

   His smile grew large like a young child on Christmas morning. He leaned down, pressing his lips against yours again, this time rougher.

         You decided to fuck it and slide your tongue inside, leaving no corner unexplored. You felt his shoulders tense before relaxing, letting you do what you desired. After you were finished you took in a sharp breath before he spoke.

      "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you like that ever again..." Tsukiyama said. "I don't know what I would do with myself if I had lost you."

      You were surprised to see Tsukiyama's face sadden, a tear streaming down his cheek. You wiped it away with your thumb.

      "Shhh, it's okay," you said. "I'm right here. You'll protect me I know it."

       "How do you-" he began to ask, but you cut him off.

      "I know because I know who I'm talking too," you smiled.

      He smiled and sobbed as you pressed your lips up against his, continuing to do so until both of you fell asleep.

I Will be the Blood to your White Rose (Tsukiyama x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now