Chapter 31- The War

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       You hid behind a beaten up truck, watching as guns fired and ghoul's kagune's swung killing others within one move. You noticed there were four massive buildings, now broken and shredded, far apart from each other on the battle filed. Still no sign of Tsukiyama.

        You jumped when you looked up to see a man falling from a building through a window, landing with a hard crack. You had to move forward, jumping from hiding spot to hiding spot, getting closer and closer to one of the buildings. Guns fired at the car you were hiding behind, making you scream and cover your ears. Your kagune reached through the broken window of the car and impale the officer who shot at you. You felt him go limp as your kagune retracted, sobbing in your hands as blood splattered on your clothes. But again you moved forward.

       You noticed you couldn't get to the building without having to pass through the big crowd of raging, blood sucking people. You had to run through, so you stood up from your hiding place and ran head first, your kagune blocking the weapons and gun shots. You were only scrapped in the leg once- a mere paper cut- before diving into the first window, shards flying everywhere. Into the building, you saw two long hallways on the first floor, practically crowded with the corpses that had life only moments ago.  You held onto your lunch as you stepped over them, hoping to find a stair well some where. Thankfully, you turned the corner to see a flight of stairs down the hallway. You ran for it, racing up the steps in hopes to find a familiar face in the sea of masks. In one of the stair wells you stopped dead, a flash of white speeding past you. You recognized the hair color, the black mask in the shape of a mouth and an eye patch. 

            "Kaneki wait!" You screamed, turning the corner to chase after him. He turned to you, his eyes wide in surprise as he was surrounded by the ghouls you recall from working at Anteiku.

        "(Y/n)?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. "Wheres Tsukiyama?"

     "I can't find him," you cried. "Please have you seen him anywhere?"

           Kaneki's eyes dropped for a moment as he shrugged sadly. "He, he was with us. Last time we saw him, he was chasing after a ghoul in a clown mask..." he paused before looking up at you. "I'm sorry."

      "Kaneki we have to go, hurry up!" Touka groaned, grabbing his arm before glancing at you with a pissed off expression. "Tsukiyama can find his little lover whore on his own."

       You held your breath at her nasty comment, wanting to throw hands at her but holding back.

    "Touka!" Kaneki glared, ripping his arm from her. "Don't say that, (he/she/they) did nothing wrong."

"Please, do you know where he is?" You asked again, ignoring Touka.

A small girl with a mask popped out from behind Kaneki's leg. "I saw him run for the roof," she assured you. "When you find him, being him back to Anteiku."

You nodded as you let go of the breath you didn't realize you were holding. You thanked them, turning around and heading straight first for the stairs again. The loud sounds of guns firing and blood splattering and screaming filled your ears but you kept going, as if someone was chasing you and your life depended on it.

Finally, you reached the top without any encounters or scratch marks, thrusting a metal door open with a green light up sign spelling 'EXIT'. You stood on the concrete of the roof of the building, catching your breath as you found him. Tsukiyama was fighting off Mister PG with full force, yelling at the top of his lungs to be heard over the harsh rain.

"You did this to (her/him/them)!!" He lunged forward, his kagune blocking PG's. "It's all your fault!!"

"I saved (her/him/them)!" He argued back, throwing Tsukiyama off of him. "You knew deep down you wanted (her/him/them) to be a ghoul didn't you?! If (y/n) weren't to be eaten at the show, (he/she/they) will be Kano's test subject! (Y/n) knew to much Tsukiyama, only as a mere human, so I did you a fucking favour!!"

Tsukiyama lunged at him again. "That's not what I wanted! You put (her/him/them) through hell and back!!"

"STOP!!!" You screamed, grabbing both of their attention as their heads clocked towards you in shock.

"(Y/n)..." you heard Tsukiyama breath out before the sound of the door behind you slamming open caught you off guard. You turned immediately to see those red eyes smiling wildly.

Your face dropped when Juuzo spoke. "Good evening ugly germs!" He stopped as he turned towards you, his eyes widening with the sense of realization. "It's you..." he whispered, shaking his head as his eyebrows furrowed.

"So you really are a disgusting monster."

Your kagune burst out from your lower back as Juuzo swung his massive, miss shaped hoe towards your stomach. You fought him off quickly, taking steps back as he swung around frantically laughing and screaming like a child. Now both you and Tsukiyama were fighting them off on the roof, soaking in the rain as you dodged quickly and Tsukiyama slashed out. Your kagune once swung and hit Juuzo in his side, causing the blood to overflow from his hip. Sadly, that didn't stop him.

You raged as you threw everything you had at Juuzo, feeling the loss of a friend you wouldn't be able to get back. All those times in class of your old elementary friends calling you slut and whore, all the lies the police told you about your parents in saying 'everything was going to be okay'. All the pain of a thousand needles stuck deep into your body we're now used against Juuzo, swinging at him with your kagune.

You heard a crash to the ground when you opened your eyes, seeing Juuzo's quinque on the ground as he sat in shock. Looking down, he held the top half of his thigh, the rest of his leg tossed off the building. He didn't scream in pain, just sat there, puzzled. You weren't going to kill him, but if he died due to the blood loss from his leg you would never forgive yourself.

You turned immediately to see Tsukiyama and Mister PG fighting too close to the edge of the building. You saw their kagunes give up from being beaten to much as they started to throw fists at each other. They inched closer and closer to the edge, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "Tsukiyama stop!!" You screamed, hoping he would come running back to you towards Anteiku, but he barley even heard you over the sounds of screams and pouring rain.

"Tsukiyama please!!" You screamed again, this time louder. Their feet were now stumbling over the edge.

"STOP!!" You screamed again, this time running towards them. Your voice was a faint echo, like your soul was tripping in and out of your body as time slowed. You saw Mister PG grab hold of Tsukiyama's jacket, violently shaking him back and forth.

Tsukiyama turned to face you, those blue eyes staring into yours as you ran towards them, wishing that time would tick faster so you could reach them. Seeing his eyes flashed you back to the day you met, the way he glanced up and down between you and his book in the coffee shop making your cheeks turn red. When you looked up as he read to you, those eyes softening whiles staring down at you. Those eyes that glanced between you and the piano as he played, or the ones that watched as you both laughed at the dinner table. His laugh and soothing voice echoed in your ears those last few moments, even all the times he said 'I love you'. You saw those eyes now saying the same thing, without needing lips to do it for them.

The saddened smile on his face shattered your heart, your scream so distance you could barley hear it.

That's when he slipped.

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