Chapter 23- Invetations

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     You both sat at the dinner table for morning breakfast as you chatted and laughed. It felt good to finally be able to chat about your story's and books to someone who enjoys them as much as you, that's all you could have ever wanted.

       Whiles you too were giggling like little fan girls, one of Tsukiyama's butlers surprisingly walked in with the trolley. "Master Shuu, your mail arrived this morning," he spoke as you thought to yourself; Finally some english around here....

         "Merci beaucoup," Tsukiyama nodded his head as he took a stack of letters from the butlers hands before he booted away with the trolley.

        He flipped through them, barley giving anytime to read some of the titles. "What are those?" You asked curiously as Tsukiyama just kept flipping through.

      "Half are letters from fans at my shows, some are creepy love letters, I also get bills and just regular boring people things," he stated.

       You couldn't help but grow jealous once he said 'love letters'. But you could understand, he was Mr.M.M, hottest show host to probably have existed in ghoul society.

      You clocked out of your trance as you saw Tsukiyama stop at one of the letters, reading it carefully line by line. "That's this weekend...?" He whispered to himself as you attempted to get insight on what he could possibly be talking about.

      "There's a party being hosted at the old Madame A's building, celebrating the ownership of the house from her to Misseur PG. This letter seems to be our invitation." He started to open the letter with his unused butter knife, swiftly cutting it open from the top.

      Your eyes darted back to you empty plate. "You...your celebrating the fact that she's gone? Isn't that, cruel...?" You fiddled with your thumbs under the table as Tsukiyama tried to reassure you.

      "Ghouls do things differently than humans, it isn't about her death. Like I said, it's more so if the house being given to Misseur PG is all. Don't try to think about Madam A so much, understand?"

       "Understood," you nodded your head at him, giggling.

      Tsukiyama sighed dramatically. "Well I would love to go, but I have no date to accompany me." You saw his face squint under his hand for effect as you just laughed. "If only there were someone to go with me..."

         You lowered his hand with yours and held it on the table. "You know I want to go badly, right?" You chuckled as he smiled.

       He stood from the table as our plates were took up from the table. "Then it's settled. We're going!" He sarcastically put out his hand as you took it, being pulled away from the table. "Here, I have something to show you," Tsukiyama smiled, pulling you into the piano room. To your surprise, there was already a butler sitting at the piano, ready to play. Tsukiyama dragged you to the middle of the dance floor, asking the man at the piano to play for the two of you.

       "What...are we doing?" You asked him, a questioning look on your face as Tsukiyama reached for your hands, placing one on his shoulder.

        He smiled as he snuck his hand around your waist. "My love, do you know how to waltz?" He chuckled.

      "Not really, I never really danced with someone like this before," you stated.

      "Good. I'm here to teach you," Tsukiyama smiled.

       It was awhile of putting your foot here and dragging it there and staying tall, but slowly and surely you were getting the hang of it. At one point whiles you were stepping, your foot crushed one of Tsukiyama's toes as you burst out laughing whiles he pouted.

       "What's so funny?!" Tsukiyama stated as he saw you holding onto your knees as you wheezed. 

      "Your scream! You scream like a five year old girl," you laughed harder, covering your mouth with your hand as you stood back up.

      "You stepped on my toe!" Tsukiyama tried to argue, but couldn't help but laugh as well.

       You heard the piano stop as you both laughed for awhile before getting back into position. "Sorry," you said. "I'm not the best," you said cooling down.

        Tsukiyama shook his head as he looked down at you. "Your good for a starter, I'll admit. Can we go again?" He turned to the pianist as he asked, his voice growing louder across the room.

      You saw the butler nod his head as he turned to play again. As he continued the soft, sweet music you danced away in Tsukiyama's arms, finally understanding the concept. You couldn't help but get lost in his soft eyes looking down at you, as he seemed to become more and more handsome with ever second you stared. Your cheeks turned pink as you stopped dancing with him to press your lips up against his surprisingly.

        "W-wh-" Tsukiyama started.

     "I love you," you said to him, your smile growing on your face.

      His face softened until he looked like his eyes would bust out with tears. "I love you too. Your so precious to me."

        He kissed you again as the pianist stopped at turned towards the two of you. "Do you love birds need some privacy?" He chuckled.

      "Si vous plais," Tsukiyama smiled as the butler nodded, standing up from the piano and leaving the room. He picked you up from under your knees as you yelped in surprise, laughing once he did.

       "Now my princess we shall ride down to the library! Have some piece and quiet for awhile," he said in his royal sarcastic voice.

        You giggled as you nodded, him racing you out of the room and towards the library doors. He dropped you onto your feet as he led you through the door and towards the couches. "Wait here. I want to pick out a new book for use to read," he smiled, sitting you down as he walked towards the stairs with the lines of books culturing the walls. "Found it!" He told you from behind, as you turned to see him pull out a book from the shelves. He walked back down the small flight of steps and towards the couch. You stood up, letting him sit on the chair as you sat back down on his lap. The fire place burned as it cracked and popped, making you jump as you felt Tsukiyama's arms snake around your waist.

       "It's a romance horror novel, called Family Comes first, one of my favorites really," he smiled, opening it to the first chapter. "In my personal opinion it was more of a tragedy than Romeo and Juliet, sorry to spoil," he chuckled.

      He began reading as your eyes fluttered closed, the images of the novel dancing in your head before falling asleep.

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