Chapter 8- Dirty Secret

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          "Madame A?" You asked curiously. "What are you doing in here..?"

            She took the mask off her face as she smirked, giving you the chills that something might not be right. "I wanted to speak with you."

        You wanted to turn down her want for conversation but as always you just nod your head and go along with everything that happens around you. Madame A walked closer to you, to close. She was right up in you face when she tilted her head and sniffed just behind your ear, making you jump.

          "I knew it," she stated. "Your no damn ghoul at all. I can smell your human flesh from here, and I can tell you, it's quite appetizing." She looked back up at you, her smirk widening.

         "What are you talking about...?" You asked, almost whispering.

         "Are you dense?" She started to say. "Ghouls eat humans. It's our nature."

          Your eyes grew large as you fell over, unable to catch yourself on anything besides sitting on the bed. It made perfect sense. The bite mark, the show, the way he would never eat in front of you-

           "He didn't even tell you anything, did he?" She asked mockingly, as if reading your thoughts.

        "That's not true..." you whispered, hoping she would just disappear.

       She laughed at you. "What's the bite on your arm then? He's obviously tasted you before. I think he's grown quite the liking to you (miss/mister/whatever) L. You are attractive though I must say, no wonder why he likes you so much."

           "What the hell are you talking about?" You practically yelled at her, standing up to face her.

          "It means he didn't 'take you in', how ever that's how he calls it. I know this because I chatted with him. He didn't let you stay here at first because he liked you..." she started to say before whispering into your ear. "That black haired boy tonight was supposed to be you."

           You gawked in silence as Madame A shrunk back. She grabbed at your shoulders out of nowhere and pushed you to the bed. You kicked and screamed for her to let go, but she didn't budge. "Good thing he didn't eat you just yet," she smiled. "Now I can have this delicious dinner all to myself."

             You screamed and cried again, throwing your fists everywhere in an attempt to hit her. She bit down onto your lower shoulder as you screamed in agony, the chomp a deafening sound. She took your shoulder and wrist and started to twist it, making you lash out in an attempt to push her off.

          Before the flesh eating ghoul could snap your elbow, you saw a pair of hands rip her off you, throwing her to the ground. The purple haired ghoul thrashed out at her, his eyes glowing red as a knife like blue snake protruded out of his back, rapping around his arm.

        "(He/she/they) belong to me!!!" He yelled, thrashing the sword down into her stomach. You were glad you couldn't see her as she was on the floor beside the bed, screaming her lungs out. You saw Tsukiyama lash down at her a few more times, the blood spraying on the bed and against the walls.

            You knew when he stopped she was dead. Your eyes felt heavy and you thought you were going to be sick from everything around you. Tsukiyama stood, looking over his shoulder at you. You were surprised to see a saddened smile, one of pure loss. A tear fell from his ghoulish eye.

          "I'm sorry..." he said. "...I'm so sorry."

       The way he said it made you remind yourself back to the time that detective said the same thing to you when you were just a little (girl/boy/kid). Those saddened eyes looked at you as you stared away from them, watching your parents being taken away on hospital beds with a white cloth covering them. You didn't understand why they did that at the time. They couldn't give you a response on when they would come back. When they told you you'd be staying with your older brother, you froze. Realizing your parents weren't ever going to come back.

          "You eat humans..." you stated.

      You saw his eyes widen, then soften as if he had expected you to know by now. "Oui..." he guiltily mumbled. He turned to you, but you slid back, afraid of him in his now red stained tux.

        "You were going to eat me," you spat, raising an eyebrow with a sour look on your face. "Weren't you?"

           He sighed, raising his hand to his head. "I didn't realize how much I needed you, (y/n). I was trying to protect-"

        "Protect me?" You cut him off. "You decided you were going to swap out someone else to murder for your entertainment to protect me?!"

             "That's not-" he started to say, but you cut him off again.

         "That is it Tsukiyama! You attempted to murder someone!"

        "Listen to me!!" He yelled at you, his hands bawling up into fists. You saw a single tear stream down his cheek as he looked like he was trying to suppress it. The pain in his voice sent chills down your spine, and for once, you were truly terrified.

           You decided to fight back. "Why should I listen to you?! Why couldn't you just have thrown me out there instead of that boy-!"

        His voice boomed over yours. "I couldn't do that!"

        "Why not?!" You screamed.

     "Because I love you!!"

      You froze. Your eyes widened as the tears ran down your face. You didn't know what to say, so you just stood up, puzzled with a saddening look on your face. You didn't know if you were crying because you feared him, or you feared the fact you felt the same.

          You walked over to him, seeing the pain in his face as if he thought he were going to lose you. You looked up at him with the same expression, placing your hands on his cheeks and leaning in, pressing your lips against his. You were gentle with him, as if he were glass that could break if you pressed to hard. His eyes were wide for a moment in surprise, before settling and fluttering closed. He hesitated before rapping his arms tightly around you, his blue sword retreating back into his spine.

           When you pulled back, you were surprised as to what you had done. It wasn't right, but it felt right to you. Whether he had kin napped you, pretended to like you, attempt to murder you, bite you, you still felt the same.

          You finally glanced up at him, his face in a warm smile, those blue eyes staring into your (e/c) ones.

        "I love you too."

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