Chapter 3- The Library

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         You slept in that day, the beating of your head overpowering your every move so you decided to sleep it off. Upon waking up, you sat up straight, no longer needing to place your hand to your head because your headache was gone. You were still in the white dress, your regular clothes no where to be found. All the thoughts of Tsukiyama, how nice he was and how he kinnaped you flooded your mind.

           I need to go home, you thought. What the hell am I still doing here? Why am I listening to this guy?

         He didn't seem to chain you to the bed or anything, so he trusted you to walk around. You stood up from the bed, and headed toward the bedroom door. You hesitated before turning the knob, the slight click making you jump in fear that someone would notice. Pushing the door wide open, you slid through the crack, closing it behind you. Sighing with a smirk, you turn, heading down the stairs.

          The stairs were long, almost like an escalator, as you quickly scurried your way down them. When you reached the bottom, you let go of the hem of your dress and headed into the dining room. No one was there. You continued to pass the table and head into the hallway, hoping to find some door that lead you outside. You opened every door, some leading to the kitchen, others just a room with some couches and table, almost like a waiting room. You passed a bathroom, the butlers area, nothing. It felt like you were trapped in this mansion, but if you walked into its hallways to far you'd never find your way out.

          You opened one the last doors down the corridor, it being slightly larger than the others, when you turn the knob, the faint smell of fresh books and a warm campfire filled your nose. You stepped inside, seeing rows upon rows of books. The library was dim lit, only a large fire place and a couple candles kept the room from total darkness. Your jaw dropped, it was almost as if it was a fairytale.

           "Bonne après-midi, ma belle," you heard Tsukiyama's voice chuckle.

           You turned your head to the left to see him sitting comfortably on a couch next to the fire place, a book in his hands which he didn't look up from. "I'm surprised you slept in all day," he added.

          You didn't know wither to ask what was he doing here, or more importantly what you were doing here, but he couldn't seem to answer that question.

            He saw you stand in silence awkwardly, and motioned his hand towards him. You took a step forward, hesitating, but gave in, walking across the room to the couch next to his. You sat down in the leather seat, fiddling with your hands in order to distract yourself while you noticed him staring at you with that stupid smile.

         He chuckled as you looked up, your eyebrow raised at his recurring stupid smirk.

         "You don't have to be shy, you can come sit next to me."

            "But there's only room for one person on that chair," you explained.

             "Than sit on my lap."

        Your blush reached from ear to ear, stupidly shaking your head at his comment. You couldn't do that. He was a creep. He kinnaped you. Your heart was racing. You knew your safe space was sitting in the chair you were in now, away from him. And yet, your body still stood up and walked over.

          You sat down, moving little before sitting comfortably. He chuckled as you felt a pair of arms slowly crawl around your waist, pulling you in. You jumped, the motion catching you off guard making him laugh. You settled in his arms, letting your body curl up into itself, your head resting on his chest.

            You two were cuddling.


       Your hands became sweaty, your body wanting to jump up and run away. You were letting him torment you, mess with your mind that you belong here, but you wouldn't fall for it just yet. You wouldn't let him break you.

            Your eyes stared at the door as his rhythmic heartbeat made you feel drowsy. He held you closer, your shoulder in one hand with his book in the other.

            "I've noticed you have really good taste in books..." he explained, breaking the silence. "What chapter are you on?"

          You tensed up as you realized he was talking about the book, Lone wolf by Sen Takitski. You cleared your throat, deciding if you should speak. That would be letting him in. You didn't want that.

           "...chapter twelve," you explained, mumbling. But he still seemed to hear you.

            "Good. I was just past that chapter," he said. "I can go back and read it to you if you'd like?"

         God damn him, you thought. Damn him for being such a perfect, stupid, French, gorgeous, hottie. Nah, scratch that. Damn idiot. I won't let you break me you foul beast.

          You nodded your head despite all of that, and he began to turn the pages back a bit to a page with 12 written in bold letters. You curled up into his chest, as his deep voice read the sentences off the page beautifully. You couldn't help but smile as your stared at the burning flames, letting the images in the book dance in your head.

           She stabbed him, again, and again, and again. How could he have betrayed her? She didn't care he was a vampire, but she loved him. Now, his blood lay before her feet, making her head spin. His face burned up from the garlic fingers she slapped on his face. In her last breaths, she laid on top of her lover, sobbing the words he had spoken to her the first day they met-

          You fell asleep. You couldn't help but let your eyes flutter close as you drifted. As you dazed, a pair of arms rapped closer around you, picking you up and walking you out of the room. It walked you through the dinning room and up the stairs to the bedroom you were staying in. It laid you down onto the bed, pulling the sheets up over you as your breathing became small and rhythmic. The being couldn't help but crawl in next to you, as you dreamed in your sleep of a big cuddly teddy bear rapping it's arms around you.

                  You spent the rest of the night in a deep slumber.

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