Chapter 9- Sharing Pasts

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It had been a week since the Madame A incident, you starting to grow past it. You've mostly read the days away with Tsukiyama, curled up in his arms finishing Egg of the Black Goat. You had a hard time trying to concur the fact he was eating human flesh, but over time you attempted to ignore it, moving on with your lives. You didn't kiss him since that night either, the heat between you two feeling awkward as no one really knew what to do. The only thing Tsukiyama had done was flirt with you, which you bugged him about, but none the less enjoyed it.

That morning you were up as soon as the sun rose, walking to your closet and picking out something new to wear. All of what consisted in that closet were long, lace dresses, but you didn't care. It made you feel like royalty, all of this dress up butler stuff. You settled on a light purple, long sleeved gown, rapping a lace belt- a lighter shade of purple- around your waist. You glanced in the mirror at your hair, and decided to pull it up into a messy bun today (but if it's short, you just run your fingers through your hair to frizz it up).

You heard a knock on the door as you jumped, turning to peer out of the door frame on whom walked into your room. There, you saw those blue eyes softening when they saw you. Tsukiyama had on a nice blue pattern button up shirt on, with purple jeans to match the aesthetic. You noticed the way he prioritized his outfits, and grew a liking to it over time.

"Bonjour mademoiselle," he stated in his deep voice. "You look rather ravishing today."

The heat rushed up to your cheeks as you looked down, fiddling with your thumbs. "I thought I could impress you," you said, shrugging your shoulder.

"I'm flattered," he smirked. He walked over to you, the clipping of his shoes filled the room as he brushed his hand against your cheek. "I think I have something fun for us to do today, if you think music is fun," he stated.

Your eyes lit up with excitement as you nodded your head.

"Good," he smiled. "Shall I escort you?" He reached out a hand towards you.

You giggled and placed your hand in his as he guided you out of the room and down the stairs. Passing the dining area, he pulled you into a large room, dim light due to the curtains being drawn back. You saw a grand piano off to the side as Tsukiyama walked you over to it. He picked you up and sat you on top of it, giggling as your feet dangled off the ledge in front of him.

"Do you enjoy Beethoven?" He smirked, placing his hands on the keys.

"I learned about his music awhile back in middle school, but I'm not to familiar," you smiled. "But please feel free." You felt awesome talking like a perfesional person.

You heard the keys being pressed down as Tsukiyama played the most soothing music you've heard. You leaned back on the palms of your hands and closed your eyes, letting the sounds of the piano fill your ears peacefully.

"Your really good at playing piano," you stated, almost swaying back and forth.

Tsukiyama chuckled. "Well I have a wonderful audience, I wouldn't want to bore them with such a beginners piece."

It was almost as if your heart fluttered inside your chest, his voice soothing your ears as the heat rushed up into your cheeks.

"Tell me about yourself ma belle," he started to say, his fingers still dancing on the keyboard. "I don't know much about your past life. Indulge me."

"Oh, well, there's not really much to say," you nervously chuckled, scratching the back of your neck.

"Did you have a partner?" He asked you curiously, looking up at you.

"N-no!" You stuttered. "N-no I didn't..."

Tsukiyama only laughed. "I was only joking with you. No need to get all handsy now do we?"

You chuckled as well, surprised. "I wasn't really that popular anyways..."

"Why? Your such a beautiful person," Tsukiyama cocked an eyebrow.

Your cheeks lit up as you continued. "Thank you, but I guess to some people, I wasn't as attractive." You sighed. "A lot of people, actually."

Tsukiyama kept playing, nodding his head as he listened, so you continued.

"My parents died when I was only little, so it just ended up being me and my older brother. He seemed to get into a lot of bad things when he grew up. Drugs, alcohol, bad friends, you name it. I only ever saw him when he would bring home groceries, only to go back out and meet up with his friends whiles I cooked."

Tsukiyama pressed lighter on the keys to soften the sound. "That sounds awful," he started to say.

You shrugged your shoulders. "It wasn't all that bad. I learned to live on my own, which was fine by me. The only thing I found hard was the people around me at school. Being pushed and shoved around for not having parents wasn't fun, let alone not having friends, which made it harder."

"You didn't have any friends at all?" Tsukiyama raised an eyebrow.

You shrugged your shoulders again. "Wasn't many people like me and no one ever seemed interested in me so I was left alone to do my own thing." You stopped, in realization. "Your really the only person I actually talk too."

Tsukiyama stopped playing the piano. "You and I are alike."

"What do you mean?" You asked, confused.

"I've had no one to talk to either. All my time is spent here, reading my books and taking care of the Gourmet Restaurant."

"But you seem so popular?" You questioned, leaning in on the piano.

He sighed. "Popularity is not the same as the loving comfort you find from a friend," he stated. "Since the only person I had talked to is gone, I haven't been able to find clarity within myself."

There was a long silence before you spoke again. "S-so, how do you eat?" You asked, realizing that was a stupid question.

"What do you mean by that?" Tsukiyama looked up, puzzled as he was pulled out of his thoughts.

"I mean if your a ghoul, how do you find food, or like..." you started to say, unable to ask the question without stumbling.

He chuckled. "I only eat from the already deceased. The ones who commit suicide a day or two prior. I only kill when necessary like shows or other occasions, but I'll spare you the details on that," he smiled.

"Wow, that's kinda cool," you said.

Tsukiyama's eyes lit up. "You really think so?" He asked.

You nodded your head and he smiled.

"Well then," he started. "Mind, if we dine together tonight? Just the two of us," he cocked his head, his smile softening making you blush.

"S-sure," you stuttered. You did want to have dinner with him, but you were still nauseous from the thought of another human being on the plate in front of you.

Tsukiyama's eyes brightened. "Well my lovely, it's a date then."

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