Chapter 28- Marry You

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That morning you woke up cold, the body heat from Tsukiyama missing as you clenched the sheets were he was supposed to lay. You slowly opened your tired eyes as you tried to sit up, holding onto your head after a long nap throughout the day.

The smell of dinner caught your attention as you walked to the door and down the steps, seeing Tsukiyama's smiling face as he waited for you at the table. Tsukiyama seemed to be wearing his outing clothes, which you questioned but shrugged it off. You walked over and sat, looking down at your plate of meat strips and a cup of coffee on the side.

     "Bon appétit," Tsukiyama chuckled as he began to dig into his dinner. "I made it myself today."

      "Really?" You asked, your eyes surprised as you eat.

        "I thought it would make up for my absence in a few minutes," Tsukiyama sighed. "I have things I have to attend to this afternoon. Can you stay here for a couple hours on your own?"

       "I'm not a child," you laugh. "I can take care of myself."

        He nodded his head before scarfing down the rest of his breakfast. You were amazed when he gulped everything at once, standing up from his seat and planting a kiss on your forehead. "I'll be back soon, promise."

         You smiled as he left the table, leaving down the hallway towards the main entrance of the building. You finished your plate alone in silence, feeling off due to the absence of the only person you had conversations with over dinner. You saw the butler walk over to your side of the table, picking up your plates and cutlery and placing them onto the trolley. "Anything else I can get you?" He asked with a smile.

"No, thank you," you nodded as he turned, leaving the room.

You stood up from the table and left for the library, walking in and sitting down in the arm chair next to the fire. You grabbed the book sitting on the coffee table, Family Comes First, and began reading the second chapter. You couldn't help but let your mind wander quickly into the books hands as you read every page carefully, getting hooked. You flipped through one page, then another, than another until you had to stop and realize you were on chapter seven by then.

You stopped as your placed the book down, looking at the time on the old clock and reading 12:30. It had already been two hours past since Tsukiyama had left. You heard the grand doors open, making you jump and rush out of the library to get to them. You dashed into the dining room, looking around before you had asked one of the butlers on where he had gone. The butler motioned for Tsukiyama's main bedroom as you ran up the stairs, passing your room and taking a sharp left turn to get to it at the end of the hall. You knocked on the door, your weight transferring from your toes to your heels as you waited anxiously for him to open the door.

        You were surprised when you saw him in a black tux when he swung the door open, right before grabbing your wrist and pulling you up the next flight of stairs to your left towards a door.

        "Where are you going?" You chuckled as he pulled the door open, the cool breeze tickling your skin, causing goosebumps to run up your arms. You looked out as you realized you stood on the roof of the mansion, looking out and seeing the bright lights far away from the town. It looked as if fairy's danced around in the trees, making you gape at the view.

        You turned back Tsukiyama who was now standing in front of you with a smile. "I have something I want to ask you..." he said, grabbing your hand in his. "Your eyes gleam in the moonlight like stars when you look at me. Your smile melts my heart every time I see it. You are my only friend, the only person I've ever loved." He paused, shaking his head as he chuckled. "It's like ever since I met you life's worth living."

        He knelt down on one knee. "I want to spend every morning waking up next to you, and may every night be your face the last thing I see before I fall asleep." His voice slowly slipped into a whisper as you giggled at his attempt at poetry. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

          He slipped out a small black box from his back pocket, opening it to reveal a gleaming gem on a ring. Your eyes filled with tears as you sobbed into your free hand.

          He paused for a moment before looking up at you with those blue eyes. "Will you marry me?"

      You nodded your head, your smile so big it hurt the corners of your lips. He slipped the ring on your finger as he stood, you jumping into his arms tightly. He held you there chuckling as your heart raced. He swung you around in his arms as you squealed before landing on your feet. His hands held you waist as he leaned in, kissing you deeply. Your hands held the back of his head as you pushed in further, your back arching as you roamed your lips happily on his. When you pulled back, your smile widened again.

        "I love you," you said through your tears as you shook your head.

       "You mean everything to me," Tsukiyama told you. "I love you too."

          That night was spent laying on the bed in your bedroom, Tsukiyama playing with your hair as he kissed you every now and then. It felt unreal, like time had stopped in its place as you looked up at him with a smile. Your hand rested on your stomach as you laid on your back, unable to catch your breath.

        Everything felt perfect in that moment.

      You wished it could've stayed like that forever.

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