Chapter 17- Hosptial

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You jolted awake, your eyes shooting open as you breathed in heavily. You felt a mask covering your face as you looked up at a white ceiling, unable to tell who you are or where you were for just a moment.

You tried to sit up, but a large pain jolted in your stomach as your grabbed hold of it. You lifted yourself up slowly as you looked around, seeing flowers on a white window sill and IVs hooked up to the back of your hand.

"(She's/he's/they're) awake," you heard a doctor say next you, making you tense up as your didn't notice them in the room.

"What happened...?" You asked her, rubbing your temple.

She sighed, looking at the clip board that was laid upon her lap. "That's what they're investigating now. I wasn't told anything, I was just here to baby sit you until you were conscious."

You looked over at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Dr.Kano is on his way, you can ask him questions then."

You nodded your head and looked down at your hands, seeing them clenched together on your lap. You twirled your thumbs as the lady stood up and left you in the room, making you wait for whoever she said was supposed to show up.

After a couple minutes you saw the door creak open, an older doctor with gray hair in a lab coat walking in with a smile.

"Good to see that your up (miss/mister/other) (l/n), I was worried that you may have not survived the surgery. But miracles happen every day, I assume."

He walked in and pulled over the empty chair that the lady previously sat in and dragged it over to the side of the hospital bed.

"You had quite the scare," he raised his eyebrows, pulling out a clipboard from behind him. He grabbed the pencil behind his ear and placed it to the the page. "If you have any questions I can answer them for you."

You gulped before you spoke, still staring down at your hands. "What happened," you asked.

Kano gave you a sad smile before writing in his notes. "Someone called the police and the doctors found you tied to a chair, your organs oddly misplaced due to a serious injury. They also found a man dead in the floor, who seemed to have died only moments after. Do you know who that was so we can get an identity off him?"

You sighed, whispering, "what did he look like?"

Dr.Kano spoke again, but much slower this time. "He was tall, with white hair and-"

"Jason," You cut him off.

Kano stopped and wrote continuously in his note book like he was on a time limit. "Do you have a last name?"

"No," you stated. "No, I don't."

Kano stopped writing after a few minutes before looking up with a smile. "That's alright. A reporter is heading down in a minute so you can explain everything to her, she's going to help you."

No, you thought, no reporters. No doctors. No questions. They're going to find Tsukiyama, find his body, and throw him away.

"O-okay," was all you could say. You nodded your head at Dr.Kano before he waved goodbye and left the room.

The memories started to flood back, and you felt the tears stream down your face as you began to sob in your hands. The images of your hand snapping, your organs spilling out of you, made you gag. The blood was everywhere.

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