Chapter 15- Tranquillizer

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A bucket fell to the ground, jolting you awake. You looked down to see your toe rapped in gauze and stitches, seeing that this was no dream. It was real.

It had been a day already sitting in this chair, but besides chopping your toe off Jason didn't seem to do anything else other than make you count down numbers. You weren't the best at math, but you still were decent enough to have thought it would be easy. You thought you were going to lose your mind when counting down yesterday for seven hours straight. The worst part, every time you would mess up, he cut you and made you start over.

"Good morning~" Jason spoke in a dark eerie motherly voice. "Time to get up and start counting."

"What's the bucket for...?" You asked sleepily, wanting to sleep in like you used too.

Jason laughed again. "Haven't you learned anything? Don't ask questions. Don't talk. Don't do shit." He smirked at you. "But I'll answer you this once, since you seem so eager. This is the bucket I'll be keeping your blood in so you don't ruin my floor." He paused as his smirked widened, his eyes twitching in different directions from eachother. "I want you to fill it to the brim when I'm finished with you."

Your eyes grew large from their tired state, making you shiver in fear even though it was still humid in the room. "Why...?" You asked chocking up on your words.

"Why?" Jason asked. "Why?!" He started to laugh. "I don't need a reason. You really think you were chosen for this dip shit? You think I want to torture you because I take 'revenge'? I do this for fun." Jason cocked his head to the side. "You just so happened to be sitting in this chair, because you so happened to know where Kaneki is."

"I don't!" You partially lied again.

"Yes you do!!" Jason yelled. He grabbed his pliers and placed it against the second toe right next to the one he had previously chopped off.

You screamed and kicked him off. "Don't!!" You didn't want to lose your other toe, let alone your entire foot. You imagined a sickening image of both your hands and feet chopped off and dropped into the bucket, your corpse laying wide eyed in the chair as he feasted upon what was left in the pale.

You closed your eyes as you felt the tears erupting from them, ugly sobs filling the room as you shook your head unable to look up.

He glanced up at you with a widened smile. "Don't? Dont what? I'll take your entire foot off right now and rip it to shreds!!" He started to laugh loudly in your ears, feeling as if they would bleed from the awful sound.

You wanted to run away. You wanted to scream and cry and go back to the way things used to be. But you couldn't. You were trapped in that damn chair, fearing that you would never be able to stand up and see the light of day again.

He stood up from his knees and walked back over to the trolly, placing down the pliers and picking up a syringe full of greenish liquid. You started to shake your head, your eyes widened with the terror of what the syringe could do.

"I know you're wondering what this is," he spoke, walking back over to your chair. You glared at him, your hands still shaking behind you as your wrist were being torn by the metal cuffs. "It's a tranquilizer, although it has a few tweeks to it." He placed the sharp point of the syringe down to your forearm, but before you could scream or shove him off, he jamed the needle into you, making you yelp out in pain.

"It's supposed to paralyze you in the sense. But your eyes will still be open, as it slowly will start to feel as if your insides are eating you out. You'll hallucinate. It will feel as if centipedes will crawl through your ears whiles you can't wake up or move."

Your eyes widened as he chuckled creepily. "H-how long will it last?" You asked not looking up at him, your tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Twelve hours."

You choked up on your tears as he left the room, leaving you to sit there in pain. Twelve hours. It was going to be twelve hours of straight terror. You couldn't let him get into your head. That would be giving him what he wants.

It was going to be one hell of a day.

You stared at the wall for an hour, your body unable to move. You couldn't twitch your fingers, you could feel your body frozen in place but a weight of a thousand pound ball attached to your neck.

Your stomach started to twist, and you couldn't tell wether it was because the tranquilizer was kicking in or because you hadn't eaten in twenty four hours. You felt your lungs slowly worsen, making it harder for you to breath as they crumpled in on themselves. Everything felt like it was slowly but surely failing, but all you could do was sit through the pain.

Freezing. Everything was freezing. Your eyes were dropping in and out, the light and dark becoming cloudy as you couldn't tell the difference. You saw the door open in your blurry vision, seeing Jason walk into the torture chamber. He didn't say anything, as he walked slowly towards your chair.

He looked down at you, everything darkening around him as his smirk widened. Another figure walked up behind him, his hood up so you couldn't see his face.

Looking closer, you could make out one thing. His blue eyes.

Ripping off his hood and exposing his hair, you saw Tsukiyama standing next to Jason, silently.

"Get me out of here!" You screamed at him, shaking violently in your chair. "Tsukiyama!"

He just stared down at you with no expression.

"I'll leave you to it," Jason nodded, turning and leaving the both of you in the room.

"Tsukiyama...?" You asked again, confused as to what Jason had said.

Tsukiyama grabbed your hand in his as your face brightened, ready to be untied from the chair and head straight into his arms. You couldn't believe he was here. You couldn't believe he was alive.

It caught you off hard when he squeezed your hand to the point of hearing your bones crack. You screamed out in pain, the tears flowing down you cheeks.

"Sweet (y/n)..." he started to say, opening his mouth wide. "BON APPÉTIT!!!"

His mouth came down swallowing you whole before your eyes shot open from the nightmare. Your broke out in a cold sweat, feeling the tears previously rolling down your face whiles you were in the dream.

         Your body felt stiff again, as you heard the door creak open yet again. Jason walked in. Everything was darkening around you as he smiled creepily. Another figure walked in behind him.

        "Oh shit..." you started to say.

     It was exactly like your dream, the way Tsukiyama walked in behind Jason.

        "I'll leave you to it," Jason repeated himself before leaving.

         You screamed to get away from Tsukiyama before it was to late and grabbed your hand again, the crunch sound making your ears bleed. "Sweet (y/n)..." he said again. "BON APPÉTIT!!!"

             You woke up in a cold sweat.

         The door creaked open.

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