Chapter 27- Report

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"Your coffee sir," said the tall man with dark hair, placing down the paper cup next to the white haired, stitched up boy.

"Thank youuu Mr.Amon!" Juzo exclaimed happily. The man dropped a hand full of sugar packets next to the cup on Juzo's desk. Juzo turned from tapping the keys on his keyboard to see it, smiling wildly like a child.

Amon pulled a chair next to him, sitting down in front of the computer screen. "What do you have in the file?" he asked over the sounds of clutter and beeping of the photo copier.

Juzo held his knees up to his chin in his chair, rocking back and forth as he read from the page on his screen. "Name, White Rose, Type A ghoul, Rinkaku Kagune, Gender, seeming to be (whatever your gender is), and has a definite relation to the Gourmet."

"Nice Juzo," Amon said patting him on the back as Juzo grabbed three sugar packets, ripping them open and pouring them into his coffee. "Now we have a lead."

"That's not all," Juzo perked up, adding another sugar to his coffee. "We were talking to the police force, asking if anything was different about this ghoul, and they said they recognized the image."

"What do you mean?" Amon asked him.

"They think that (y/n) (l/n), the person who went missing three weeks ago but disappeared again once put into the hospital, is the White Rose."

Amon shook his head. "That's crazy, (y/n) (l/n) is human."

"The police think (she/he/they) were human, but changed into a ghoul over time." Juzo's smile widened.

"Do you have any proof of that? How can a human transition to a ghoul?" Amon slammed his hand on the desk, maybe a little too close to the coffee cup.

"Didn't you see the way (he/she/they) acted? (She/he/they) were saying (she/he/they) didn't want to hurt us, the White Rose didn't even know how to use (her/his/they're) kagune correctly. Ghouls usually know how to control it, like it's their arm or their leg. But not (y/n)."

"Is that fact?" Amon asked, settling down and taking in the information.

"It's a theory," Juzo corrected him, pouring two more sugars into his coffee before stirring.

         Amon nodded his head. "Well keep working," he explained while standing up. "We need every piece of evidence we can get before we investigate them."

      Juzo jumped once in his chair. "Yes sir!"


      You got changed that morning into the white lacy ropes you wore the first day you were living in the Gourmet house hold. You looked down at your mask that laid on the sink as you- if you have long hair- tied your hair back.

       You walked out of the bathroom into your room, seeing Tsukiyama in the bed asleep. His breathing was rigid as the sweat beads built up on his forehead. His cheeks flushed from the pain and a cool towel was placed on his forehead. You noticed the butler sitting beside him, as he looked up at you when you walked through the door.

        "How's he holding up?" You asked. "He seems worse than yesterday..." you held your hands together on your chest, nervous for the butlers response.

        "His wound is infected," he started to say, "but what he ate last nights should help heal the wound."

       "But he looks in pain-!" You started to say, stopping yourself.

       "I didn't say it would help the pain," he shook his head. There was a long pause, before he perked back up the conversation. "He really does care for you."

         You grew flustered. "What do you mean?" You asked, your hands falling to your sides as you took a step closer.

       "I've never seen him fight so hard for someone before, let alone a human. He's been so indulged in himself because he never had anyone else to care for, he was always by himself. I've never seen him this happy," he stated. "Your the only thing he has."

      Your face softened. "But he's such a good person, who wouldn't fall in love with him?"

        "He could say the same for you," the butler smiled. "He tells me all about you. Your old life, your adventures."

         "Really?" you chuckled.

     "It's like he's a child again," the butler softened, looking over at Tsukiyama, a long silence lingering around the room only for a moment. "Do me a favour (miss/mister/other) (y/n)...?" He asked you, still looking down at Tsukiyama.

         "Hm?" You asked, waiting for him to continue.

        "Take care of him."

     You felt honoured as you nodded, a hit of naseau corsing through you as you felt your body soften.

         The butler nodded to himself as he stood up on his feet again. "I must go get him a new cloth," he stated, going back to his neutral, expressionless face.

         He left the room before you heard the click of the door shutting. You looked over at Tsukiyama, seeing his pretty eyes fluttered closed. You sat next to him, brushing his hair to the side before planting a kiss on his cheek. "Please get better soon," you whispered. "I need you to get better." You paused before continuing. "I can't wait to marry you," you started. "We can run anywhere, we can see the world. It'll just be you and me..."

        You kissed him again, this time on the corner of his lips. You heard him groan and his body moved slightly, before his lips curved into a smile. "I'm awake you know," he chuckled before opening his eyes and looking at you. Your eyes widened as you jolted back, making him laugh. "You made it sound like I was dying. Your expression was adorable," he perked up, sitting back on his elbows.

        You scowled and rolled your eyes. "Shut up! You scared me," you cried, slapping his arm lightly. You stopped, looking down at your thumbs fidgeting with each other. "H-How much did you hear...?" You questioned him, your voice dying down in volume.

        "Everything I needed to," he playfully smirked. "I'm glad you will take care of me."

       Your face softened as you pushed his arm lightly. "Oh hush," you giggled.

      Tsukiyama moved swiftly, rapping an arm around you as you squealed in laughter. You laid down under him, smiling up at him warmly. He perched himself on his elbows as he looked down at you, his heart beating so fast you could feel it as he pressed his body against yours. Your arms were placed by your head, making you seem even more vulnerable to him.

       "Has anyone ever told you your beauty is blinding," Tsukiyama whispered to you. "Your eyes pierce through my heart like shards~"

       He pushed your hair back as he leaned down to kiss you deeply. Your back arched itself, bringing you closer to his body until there was no space between. You roamed your lips on his, giggling as you squirmed under him.

He pulled back after a minute as you felt his hot breath tickle your nose. "I want you to say you belong to me," he whispered too you, your cheeks flushing red.

"I belong to you," you smiled. "I'm all yours."

He chuckled for a moment.

            "Très bien~"

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