Chapter 19- Vile Taste

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You woke up that morning to your stomach turning, wanting to gobble down a plate of breakfast. You stirred in your sleep until your eyes opened, seeing those blue eyes staring down at you.

You jumped at first when you saw him staring, but just smiled. "Morning to you too," you laughed.

You pecked his cheek before hearing your stomach hurl on itself again, making you groan in pain.

"Hungry are we?" He chuckled."Breakfest is prepared down stairs."

You nodded your head and stood up, waiting as Tsukiyama dressed into regular clothing before heading down the stairs.

You sat at the table, the smell of the food in front of you making your stomach lurch forward on itself. Tsukiyama had a plate of meat in front of him as he picked up his fork and starting eating the liver.

You picked up your fork up and dug into your eggs first, and chewed. You paused in shock, the fresh eggs tasting like lead. Your gag reflex's kicked in as you couldn't help but cough it out. You grabbed the glass of water next to you and chugged but immediately regretting it as the taste was foul like thick outdated mollasses. You coughed that up too, choking up on yourself as you gagged. Tsukiyama reached over the table and held his hand on your back.

"Are you okay?!" He asked standing up from the table and stumbling over to get to you.

"It, it tasted awful..." you started to say, catching your breath as you held your hand on your chest.

Tsukiyama shook his head. "I don't understand, was it under cooked?" He asked you, his eyes glistening in fear.

"I don't think it was that," you questioned yourself. It didn't seem like the kind of taste it would have if it was under cooked. You picked up the slice of toast and shoved it in your mouth. It threw you off guard as it tasted of pig mucus, making you spit it out immediately and start coughing again, wanting it to get out of your body as fast as possible.

"Hey, hey!" Tsukiyama tried to grab your senses. "What's happening? What's wrong?"

You wiped your mouth of the spit. "I-I can't eat it. Everything I taste makes me want to vomit..."

Tsukiyama shook his head, rubbing your back. "That's abnormal, your starting to talk as if you were a ghoul."

You looked up at him with wide eyes. He chuckled to your response. "I'm only kidding, maybe it's just the food. I'll talk with our staff for you, alright? Maybe just rest upstairs my love."

You nodded your head as he guided you in front of him, letting you walk up the stairs as he left the dinner table. Once you entered your room, you sat on the bed with your hands fiddling on your lap anxiously. You felt as if you were in the waiting room of a hospital, the awkward silence of you nervously tapping your foot and rubbing your hands together. You couldn't get over the taste, the way the water sat in your stomach making it lurch forward.

Tsukiyama was right. The food might have gone bad, even though your instincts were telling you not to believe that. It seemed like a stretch for something gone bad for that short period of time tasting like lead and mucus. What really set you off was the water, it burning on your tongue, and water can't go bad.

You thought back to Tsukiyama's humours comment, thinking of it as a potential possibility. You couldn't be a ghoul though. Thinking back, the food you tasted here was fine. It wouldn't have gone bad since this is the household of the Gourmet Restaurant. The only thing that could have changed during those couple days with Jason was some sort of stomach replacement, but that was impossible.

Your eyes widened, thinking back to when you were in the hospital. You remembered the doctors explaining an organ transplant due to your other ones failing.

But they didn't tell you who's organs they gave you.

You stood up from the bed and raced out of the room, hoping, praying Tsukiyama wasn't right. As you ran down the stairs, past the dining room and into the hall you walked down until you saw the words 'Kitchen' above one of the doors. You walked in, seeing a bunch of chefs chatting and cutting up meat and other foods. You felt bad as you excused yourself in between them, finally finding a trace of human food. You picked up the bacon and fried egg, shoving it into your mouth.

You gagged. You choked again as you dropped to your knees holding your stomach. You felt the stares of everyone as the taste of thick pigs blood filled your mouth. You fell to the floor as you curled up your knees, one of the chefs racing towards you and speaking to you with concern in French. You couldn't understand them as you slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs, hopelessly curled up on the floor. You heard a voice shout, pushing away some of the chefs in your vision and scooping you up in their arms.

You looked up at Tsukiyama in your blurry vision as you clawed at his chest. Your stomach gurgled as he brought you up to your room and shut the door. You felt him place you down on the bed, sitting next to you as he stroked your hair. "Shh, it's okay," he started to say. "Your going to be fine-"

"You were right," you cut him off, sniffling. "I think there might be something wrong with me."

He leaned down and kissed you temple. "No, you can't be s ghoul that's impossible." He shook his head nervously.

"I-in the hospital, they gave me an organ transplant because Jason cut me open and my organs weren't functioning properly. They could have given me Jason's but-"

"My love I always believe you," he cut you off sweetly. "But what your saying makes no sense. Why would they put Jason's organs inside of you? Your blood type wouldn't be the same."

"I-I don't know..." you started to say. "But please I'm starving." You stomach grumbled and turned.

"I'll go grab you something else to eat love," he said. "Wait here." He kissed your forehead as he stood, leaving the room.

When he came back, he held a granola bar and a cup of coffee in his hands, handing it to you as you sat up. You thanked him and took it out of his hands, nervously undoing the packaging. You took a bite...

...only to run to the bathroom to hurl it back up.

It tasted of human wastage as you ran two the water tap and struggled with turning it on. Tsukiyama rushed over to you and shook his head, grabbing your wrist. "Don't, the water won't help, you need to drink coffee." He explained, handing you a warm mug.

You practically chugged it, trying to get the vile taste out of your mouth before you let your entire stomach go. You placed the mug down on the sink, thanking the fact coffee still tasted the same.

"(Y/n)... are you okay?"

You reached your arms out and held onto his chest with a tight grip. "What's happening to me...?" You asked, the tears welling up in your eyes and soaking his shirt.

"We'll figure it out it's okay..." Tsukiyama said, brushing out your hair. "For now try to sleep it off. It's a stretch, but I think I know someone who can help."

He picked you up and placed you back in the bed like he usually did. You turned on your side, cradling your stomach as it grumbled.

It wasn't long before your eyes fluttered closed.

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