Chapter 32- The End

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You jolted awake, your eyes dry from the tears shed the night before. You saw a familiar face light up when you awoke.

"(Y/n)'s awake!" You heard Kaneki say towards the open door.

You rubbed your head, unable to remember the events that lead you to where you were now. You saw Touka and the older gentleman come rushing into the room, kneeling down beside the couch you so happened to fall asleep on.

"How are you feeling...?" Touka asked in a low voice, surprising you for actually being concerned.

"I-I'm fine," you smiled, not knowing how to respond to the question. It was than in seconds all the memory's started flooding back. Everything with Juuzo, and Mister PG. But most importantly...Tsukiyama.

"W-where's Tsukiyama?" You hesitated to ask, afraid of what the answer might be.

Touka and Kaneki just glanced between each other with saddened faces, Touka slapping a hand over her mouth to stop her sobs as she quickly left the room. You grew anxious as Kaneki stared down at you, his breathing cutting short as he looked like he was trying to find the right words. "(Y/n)-" he started to say, trying not to choke up. "T-they found him at the bottom of a building with Mister PG's body... Tsukiyama is..." he paused for a moment before taking in a large breath. "They couldn't save him... I'm sorry-"

He sobbed softly as he held onto you tightly, your facial expression not moving from its stoned state. You couldn't comprehend what Kaneki had explained to you as you felt tears slowly trace your face, unable to be bundled up inside you anymore. You didn't want to cry, because you felt if you did you wouldn't be able to stop.

         You let him hold you for awhile, rocking you back and forth like Tsukiyama did when reading. When Kaneki pulled away, he looked at you with a guilty face, trying to grab something from his pocket. He pulled out a folded up piece of paper, small blood drops staining the edges.

         "They found this in his pocket," he started to unfold it. "It seems to be a will of some sorts if he didn't come back. I-I'm glad I got it though before they did..." he tried to chuckle but stopped when he didn't see your face change. "H-here, I'll give you some time to yourself." He handed the note to you with a smile before standing and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

        When you unfolded the yellowing note, you saw how beautifully the faded letters flowed onto the page. You always loved the way he wrote in cursive.

       You felt the tears bead in your eyes and stream down your face as you read it, reaching your hand to cover your mouth to stop from sobbing. You had always seemed to feel cold when he wasn't there, but when reading it felt as if he had walked into the room, his presence holding you tight as your finger tips brushed on the paper.

         It was awhile before Touka came into the room, seeing you cradled into a ball on the couch as the letter was laying on the floor. She cleared her throat, making you look up in surprise.

        "Hey knuckle head," she joked softly. "I brought some coffee if you wanna talk...?"

         You thought about it for a moment before nodding your head, sliding down off the couch and sitting at the small coffee table in front of you. Touka walked in and criss-crossed her legs underneath her on the floor, sliding your coffee mug towards you across from her.

        "Where am I?" You asked her, taking a sip of your coffee.

        "Oh..." she started to say. "This is Yomo's apartment, one of my friends who works at Anteiku. We lost the war," she continued. "Anteiku was burnt to the ground during battle, and I think other places around the twentieth ward were as well." She put her lips to her mug. "I'm sorry..."

       You didn't say anything as you sipped your coffee again.

        "I'm sure you loved him," she said. "I know he was a pain in the ass to me, but I'd never seen him that happy before."

          "H-how did you guys meet?" you perked up.

        She chuckled. "I grew up with him, met him in school when I was a freshman, he was a senior at the time. Most popular guy at school whiles I was sitting in the back of the class, and yet, he still talked to me. I made fun of him a lot, the way he'd eat was strange to me, plus his stupid flirty accent. I kinda regret it now though... I knew he was just looking for a friend."

        You chuckled and smiled, imagining teen Tsukiyama in high school.

         "Then he started hanging out with that freak Rize, some pesty girl from the twenty-forth ward. She always brought trouble everywhere she went, although I could tell he had a crush. It was awful all the mean shit she said to him after she dumped him on the streets, after that she just disappeared out of nowhere."

         Your eyes saddened, thinking of Tsukiyama's feelings on how he must've been heartbroken.

         "He wasn't like that when he met you though," she chuckled.

        "Yeah..." you agreed. "Thank you."

      "Hey well, your always welcome to stay here with us if you want." She shrugged.

           You nodded your head as you stood. "Thanks, but I hope you don't mind, I just need to check something."

       "Don't go far," Touka asked of you.

      You nodded your head with a smile, picking up the note from the floor and exiting the room. You left through the back door to the house, your kagune bursting out of your back as you adjusted your mask and headed straight first through the trees. You jumped in and out of them, your kagune flinging you up in the air and towards The Gourmet Restaurant.

        It was hard to find at first, taking about an hour of panic before you saw a familiar pillar of apart of the roof, making your face soften knowing it was still there. It was still okay.

          You jumped down on the pavement front of the entrance, looking up. You couldn't believe your eyes as you saw half of the building burned and crumbled to the ground, the other half holding on but was torn apart badly. Your eyes filled with tears as you walked along the bricks and glass, the dust filling your nose but you didn't care enough to notice. You found a few keys from the piano buried under some bricks, books torn everywhere and a few of the chefs found underneath the brick. No one else was found. Your face dropped when you turned around, seeing a small slip of paper around torn pieces of fabric laying under a brick. You moved everything over to get a the slip, looking down and seeing very faint letters written on it.

          "Pour toi, ma belle..." you read. "From your love, Mr.M.M".

You fell to your knees.

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