Chapter 7- The Show

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You started to tie your hair back into a bun for that night, and if your hair was short, you wore it messy. The dress you wore was black, exposing your shoulders with lace ends.

"(Y/n)? Your mask is here for you," you heard the butler say outside the bathroom.

You opened the door, letting him in as you took the mask from his gloved hands. "What do I need a mask for...?" You asked curiously.

"You wouldn't want the people there to know your identity. If they did, let's just say, you'd have a lot of ghouls on your tail."

You nodded your head in fear and thanked him as he left the room. You held the mask in your fingertips. It was the same colour as your dress, only covering around your eyes. You brushed your thumb over the material, feeling the black lace underneath your finger. You slid it on, tying up the back of the strings so it wouldn't fall down your face.

You scurried your way out of the room and down the stairs. There, you found Tsukiyama in a white tux, a white mask matching it and covering half of his face. He seemed to be talking to another person (or ghoul, you really didn't know anymore) that was wearing a mask. Everything seemed so fancy with the dining table set, this time every chair with a plate in front of it. You were excited to finally see new people in the mansion, since you haven't been out in civilization in awhile.

Tsukiyama turned to see you and smiled, motioning you with his hand to stand next to him. You grabbed the hem of your dress and rushed over, being greeted to the person in front of you. You smiled and nodded a hello as they continued talking about preparations. You wanted to listen in on them, getting some idea on what this show was about. Most importantly, why you were there.

They mostly talked about the placement of seats and were you and Tsukiyama would sit, which became boring to you after awhile so you tuned out of the conversation. You jolted when you saw Tsukiyama turn to you, a wide small across his face.

"May we have a few minutes alone Misseur PG?" Tsukiyama asked, still gazing down at you. "I need to talk to (miss/misseur/other) L for a moment."

Mister PG nodded his head and walked out of the room down the hall. You looked at Tsukiyama confused. "(Miss/misseur/other) L?" You asked.

"Oui. Us ghouls need to use letters as a code so we don't reveal our identities. For tonight, call me Mister M.M," he explained.

"That seems like a stretch..." you mumbled under your breath, but luckily he didn't seem to hear you.

"Now remember," he started, snaking his arms around your waist. "This may seem scary at first, but I promise it will become easier. I need you to blend in and act like one of us. If anyone questions the way you smell, ignore them or head to the bathroom as quickly as you can. Can you do that for me?" He asked, his eyes pleading with nervousness.

You nodded your head playfully, and his expression eased up. It took you by surprise when he kissed you forehead, letting his arms slip from around you and took your hand, walking you down the hall. He opened a door to a high fleet of stairs, your face dropping in exhaustion already. He brought you up the spiralling stairs, and by the time you reached the top, you were sweating, your hands on your knees. He opened another metal door leading behind a red curtain. You saw him brush his hair back, getting ready as he shook his arms out to rest his nerves. You heard loud cheering from the other side of the curtain, them screaming and clapping about 'Mister PG' or something.

You hear the crowd settle as the announcer spoke again into a raspy microphone. "And now our host for this evenings dinner..." he started. "Mr.M.M!"

The crowd cheered as Tsukiyama flew the curtains open, just enough that you were covered. His arms raised in the air as the crowd roared. He stepped forward, a round of girls crowding him with masks. You blushed, almost jealous.

You heard Tsukiyama's voice boom through the stadium. "My offering tonight is one of a ghoul..." he started.

The crowd stopped as you heard them whisper and gasp.

"But the sent of human off him is inescapable!"

You looked over to see him raise a white tissue, slightly red, before he dropped it into the crowd. The crowd clapped and screamed, the energy in the room was electric, almost exciting you.

You snuck up behind him, standing in the row of other girls that gawked and gazed at him. You couldn't wait for you two to be alone, and get away from these damn fan girls.

"Let the game commence!"

Everyone roared as you saw a door open in the floor, a male rising from under it. Once he arisen, he looked mortified. His face showing terror under his dark hair.

"You lied to me!!" He screamed, the crowd keeping up the energy. You started to grow scared, afraid of what situation Tsukiyama put you in. You tried to brush it off, but the pain of fearing for the guys life was unbearable.

Just remember what he said. Be calm.

Large metal doors opened behind him as he turned, seeing a massive man with a giant chain saw.

And then you couldn't.

You felt the tears threaten to erupt as you watched what was about to happen before you. They were going to kill him. He was going to kill him.

         You bit down in your lip to stop from sobbing, but you couldn't help from throwing a hand over your mouth so you could breath without anyone noticing. You watched as the large man swung his saw around at the boy, the boy dodging his every move. The crowd got wild, screaming and yelling for Totoro to get him. You didn't want to watch as you saw the boy collapse to the ground, beat out from running. The man grabbed him by the neck, screaming "look what I got mama!!" at a girl in the crowd.

           "Stop..." you whispered. "Please stop..."

       Suddenly everyone was silent as they gasped. When you looked down, you saw the boy struggling, but one of his eyes formed into a different colour. You saw Tsukiyama run to the railing and look down, proving what he was seeing was true. "A one eyed ghoul..." you heard him say under his breath before licking his lips. "C'est ne pas possible...!"

          He jumped over the ledge and you screamed, scared for his life as he fell all the way down to the arena. You ran over to the ledge to see him land perfectly on his feet, racing over to the large man. That wasn't humanly possible.

               Maybe he was a ghoul after all.

         You couldn't bear it any longer as you saw him stick his whole fist into the mans back, letting blood drip down to the floor. You rushed past the girls and down the stairs behind the curtain, hoping to charge for your room. Your breathing was rapid as your heart beat speeded. Get out of there, get out of there, get out of there, you repeated in your head.

          You raised passed the dining room, up the stairs, and slid quickly into your own room, shutting the door as fast as you possibly could. As soon as you did, you collapsed by the bed side, grabbing at your hair and sobbing into your knees. He kills people. He kills them and you let him do it. The images replayed and replayed in your head, but you couldn't get them out.

             You heard the door click shut behind Tsukiyama as he walked into the room. You stood immediately and wiped your face with the back of your hands.

         "I'm sorry I-"

       You looked up, but it wasn't Tsukiyama standing in front of you.

            It was Madame A.

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