Chapter 11- Home

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        The time ticked on your alarm clock as you woke up from it blaring in your face. You leaned over your bed, pressing the off  button when your eyes opened.

         To see your regular ceiling in your apartment.

        You jumped up from your bed, seeing your normal pyjama's on, wondering if everything that had happened was all fiction. You got up and ran into the bathroom, looking yourself in the mirror. You hesitated for a moment before sliding down the top of your shirt, and when it exposed your scar, you smiled.

         Your smile faded as you realized the place you were standing in. You can't go back to this damn apartment. Not now after all of that.

       All the questions danced in your head about Tsukiyama and Jason, more importantly what happened that night. You only remembered bits and pieces because you couldn't help but slip in and out of conciseness, not helping your head as it pounded in the morning.

          You remembered seeing Tsukiyama covered in blood on the floor, Jason walking towards you. But it was Tsukiyama that picked you up that night. Everything seemed so confusing and strange. But one question you couldn't get off your mind...

         Why was he protecting Kaneki so bad?

   You couldn't find in answer as too why as you looked out the window, hoping for someone or something to come save you from this mess. You wanted Tsukiyama to save you, to take you back. But with nothing to contact him with, you had to wait for him to show up. That could be hours. It could be days. You didn't want to think about it.

        You decided to turn on the television in your living room, thinking it might pass the time faster and see what people were saying about your disappearance. When CNN popped up, you sat down on the couch to see your school photo on the screen.

       "It has been two weeks since the disappearance of (y/n) (l/n), as the police are investigating every last person in (her/his/their) school of suspicion. Still, the police found some leads, but it will be hard since (she/he/they) just had disappeared into thin air."

       You were about to turn off the television when the screen flicked onto your brother, so you placed the remote down and watched.

        "We are here talking to Dylan (l/n), (y/n) (l/n)'s older guardian. So Dylan, tell us about your (sister/brother/sibling) and where could (she/he/they) have gone?"

         You heard his voice speak for the first time in months. He never talked to you. But somehow, you felt sympathy for the pain in his voice.

        "I know my (sister/brother/sibling) wouldn't run away like that. Someone, something had to take (her/him/them), y'know what I'm saying?"

          You saw him place two fingers in between the top of his nose as he squinted, almost as if not wanting to shed tears. How stupid you thought, praying sympathy on you now when it's not like he ever wanted to see you around in the first place.

        The lady spoke again.

        "We're you ever abusive towards (y/n) in anyway that would make (her/him/them) run away from home?"

         You saw Dylan slam his hand down on his side. "What kinda ***king questions is that? I wouldn't lay a god damn finger on (her/him/them) you ***kers! This is bull***t!"

          You were frightened when he stormed off camera, and at that point you decided to turn off the TV. He was right though, how rude did they have to be as to ask him a question like that? You thought to yourself how much of a dick he was to you, but he wouldn't slam your face in when he got drunk, he'd just get home, drop his things and sleep out on the couch.

        You jumped up when you heard the door creak open in your apartment, seeing Dylan slam the door shut when two reporters were racing to bombard him with questions. He turned to you, his eyes wide before slamming a hand over his mouth.

        "Holy shit!" He cried.

     He raced over to you and grabbed you in his arms, holding you with a tight grip. It seemed forever until he would let go, the awful smell of weed and alcohol filling your nose as you tried not to cough. None the less, you still hugged him back.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He practically yelled in your ear. "Do you know how many damn reporters attacked me trying to ask where you were? I near damn had a heart attack when you didn't come home that night."

You didn't seem to encollage my presence before hand, you wanted to say, but stopped yourself before you could.

"I was with a friend," you told him.

"You stupid fucker man," he laughed as he slammed his hand on your back a couple of times before letting you go. "Your skipping school just like me."

You had completely forgotten about that school, and all the people in it. You knew the minute you went back people would beat into you with questions until after four months of drama the students would be on their marry little way like nothing happened to you. Back to the way it was before. You hated that idea.

You wanted to hold Tsukiyama right now. You missed his voice, the way he spoke to you in a soothing tone. Thinking of him made your face sadden, not knowing when you would see him again.

"You alright?" Dylan asked. "Here I'll get you some water-"

"I want to go back," you whispered.

"Sorry?" Dylan asked, turning around as he seemed to not have heard you.

You went to repeat yourself, but just closed your mouth before saying: "nothing." You plastered a smile on your face. Your brother nodded oddly before grabbing a glass and filling it up under the tap.

"You've got school tomorrow," Dylan said. "I know you just got here but I'd advise you go."

You groaned in response as you sat down to the table with the glass of water in front of you. You took a sip before placing it back down on the table.

"So who's couch did you sleep on?" Dylan questioned you. "A boyfriend of some sorts?" He gave you a smirk as you nervously chuckled.

"N-no..." you mumbled. "Just a good friend of mine. We both kinda needed to get away from things I guess."

You weren't lying. It wasn't like Tsukiyama was your boyfriend. Sure you kissed him like twice, but that didn't define your relationship.

You did tell him you loved him.

Don't think about that.

"Oh c'mon, spill the beans. I know that face, you have a boyfriend," Dylan laughed, turning towards you with a smirk. "What's his name?"

You were caught at this point, there was no going back now. "Tsukiyama..." you mumbled. "Tsukiyama Shuu."

"Well that's a weird name," he questioned, turning around and leaning on the counter. "How'd you meet him?"

"We met at the coffee shop down the street," you smiled to yourself. "He also goes to my school." You couldn't help but lie between your teeth, luckily your brother didn't notice.

"Ah, cool," he shrugged. "Well I'm heading out for work, I hope you don't mind me hanging out with the guys tonight after?"

You just sighed, leaning back in your chair. "It's not like I'm stopping you."

He smiled his goofy miss shaped grin before grabbing his bag off the floor. "Thanks man, I'll be back before twelve tonight okay?"

You simply nodded your head as he left, assuming the reporters stopped bothering him at the door. You stretched out your arms as you got up and flopped yourself on the couch, planning to watch the television the rest of the day.

You grabbed the pillow from under your head and snuggled into it as you caught up on the latest news, thinking about how Tsukiyama used to hold you the same way...

I Will be the Blood to your White Rose (Tsukiyama x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now