Chapter 6- Promise

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You laid in bed that morning, sprawled along the sheets, hopelessly staring at the ceiling.

A ghoul. He was a Ghoul.

The thoughts raced through your head as you thought back to the night before, the way you screamed when he bit you, how he tried to explain himself as you shoved him away and locked him out of your room.

How he kissed you.

Your heart began to race with so many emotions, you didn't know who or what to trust. Whether Tsukiyama was good or evil, you couldn't tell. What hit you the most was that you didn't mind him being a Ghoul all that much, since he promised he would never hurt you again.

There was knocking on the door but you didn't answer it, you just laid on the bed hoping everything would go away. Everyone would just disappear and it would just be you. No abusive classmates, no broken family, no mansion or kin napping or ghouls. Nothing. You just wanted to be alone.

You heard a key in the lock of the bedroom door and it finally swung open. You didn't even look to see who it was, you just kept staring at the ceiling as if they weren't there.

"...(miss/mister/other) (y/n)? Master Shuu would like to see you. You've locked him out for quite awhile." You recognized the voice to be his Butler, but just sighed in response.

"Just a few more minutes please," you stated.

"Master Shuu is growing impatient (madam/misseur/other). Why don't you join him for breakfast?" The butler tried reasoning with you.

"I'm not hungry," you bluntly stated.

You heard someone catch the butlers attention behind the door, them whispering to each other. You saw the butler nod his head from the corner of your eye as he left the room, someone else walking in.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle~" you heard Tsukiyama walk in. He came and sat at the end of your bed. "I'm sorry about my actions last night, I couldn't control them..." he started to say. "I brought you some breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry, thanks," you stated again, tired of everyone around you. But your heart couldn't stop beating the minute he walked in, no matter how much you tried to surpress it. The way he was looking at you, the way his voice sounded when he spoke. You didn't want him to leave the room.

He placed the plate down on the nightstand and sighed "I guess your still working things out for yourself. I understand." He stood up, heading for the door, but didn't get very far before your body ached and jumped for his arm.

"Wait..." you said blindly. "...don't go, just yet..."

Tsukiyama's eyes widened as your face turned a shade of pink. He slowly turned, rapping his arms around you, pulling you in. You were scared he would hurt you for just a moment, but after standing there you eased up.

"Why do you do this to me (mademoiselle/ misseur/ other)? You know I'm not one for controlling my feelings," he smiled.

For some reason, you held on tighter around his waist, unable to control your movements. He picked you up again around your thighs and back, carrying you to the bed. You flinched in his grasp, not wanting him to tower over you on the bed. He noticed this and crawled onto the bed with you, letting you rest on his chest as he laid back onto the bed frame. He stroked your (h/L) hair, resting his chin on your head.

"Why..." you started to say, the words slipping from your lips without your permission.

"Hm?" He asked you, looking down and raising an eyebrow puzzled.

"Why do you treat me this way..." you started, unable to stop the sentences from spilling out of you. " bit me. You kin nap me. Your dress me like a doll. And now, your playing with my feelings..."

"No," Tsukiyama tried to assure you out of fear. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm protecting you. I would never want to hurt you."

"Protecting me from what?" You nervously chuckled. "Obviously the only danger I'm in is here. Every since I've been brought here it's been nothing but horror."

Tsukiyama sighed. "Is that what you think of me?" He sounded as if he was about to tear up, like you were peeling the skin from him. "You don't understand just yet, but you will. Just give me time-"

"How much time? I already know your not human. Your a ghoul, whatever that means. You should be glad I haven't even questioned it. When will I know? When will you tell me why I'm here? When will I began to understan-!"

"Tonight." He cut you off. "Your going with me to see the show tonight. I'll tell you everything."

Your eyes widened, your grip tightening around his chest, not knowing how to respond. "Okay..." you whispered. " promise?"

"Yes," he stated. "I promise."

You two stayed in bed without speaking a word until that night.

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