Chapter 14- Torture

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      A buzzing noise ringed in your ears. Your eyes fluttered open, you breathing loud but distance. When you gained back conciseness, you saw you were sitting in a wooden chair, trapped in a large room. You tried to move your hands, but you felt metal cuffs tighten around your wrists as you struggled helplessly. In that moment you needed to scratch your nose, but when realizing you hands were cuffed behind you to the chair you cursed yourself.

        You tried to move your feet but your angles were tied with rope to each of the legs of the chair. You looked around, dried blood staining the white tiled floor and a large door at most twenty feet in front of you. You tried to scream, but your sounds were muffled due to the gag in your mouth. You thought it could potentially be a nightmare, but it felt so real. It felt the same way it did when you first opened your eyes at the Gourmet Restaurant, but more painful.

       After a long minute, you heard the doors creak open as a man stepped inside. He was wearing a white suit covered in dried, red liquid, his jet white hair glistening in the light.

        "Your awake," he said walking into the room towards your chair. He pulled down your gag for you before you gasped for air.

       Yeah no shit Sherlock, you thought to yourself. "Let me go," you glared. "Why am I here?"

       "I would say I'm not going to hurt you," Jason explained, "but I would be lying." His face turned into a unsettling smirk.

      "Just tell me where I am," you spat, your fingers shaking.

        Jason scoffed. "My, my, such a talker you are," he laughed. He knelt in front of you, glaring at you eye to eye. "I'd advise you learn who your talking to and watch your mouth."

        His cold eyes stared into yours as you tried to glare at him, but you felt so scared you couldn't intimate him. "You didn't answer my question."

         Jason stood back up, turning to walk away from you. Before he took a step, he turned. You yelped as you felt a sharp pain against your cheek from his hand. "Dirty little whore," he spat at you. "Your in the twenty fourth wards third tower. My tower. My torture chamber."

       Your eyes widened as he walked towards the trolly he had close to your chair. "Where's Tsukiyama...?" you asked quietly.

       "Hm?" He turned, a concerned look on his face.

     You gulped before repeating yourself. "Where's Tsukiyama?" you spoke louder.

       "He won't be needing you anymore so you don't need to worry yourself."

       "He didn't need me!!" You yelled, unable to contain your emotions. "He wants me!"

        Jason laughed while picking up something from the trolly and placing it in his pocket so you couldn't see. "Look at you, your so obedient to him you don't even know what your saying." He shook his head side to side as he walked towards you, getting back down on his knees.

          "Where is he?" You asked again, your eyes cold and dark.

        "You won't find him," Jason stared at you.

     "What the hell are you talking about?" You scoffed, shaking your head.

       "Are you dense?" Jason asked you. He stared right into you as he leaned forward, his face dropping into a emotionless pit. "He's dead."

       You took in a sharp breath as your felt your heart pounding so hard against your chest you thought it might explode. "T-that's n-not true..." you mumbled. A tear fell from your eye before you started to shake violently in your chair. "It's not true!!"

         Jason laughed at you as you settled down. "He messed with your head pretty good, I must say. For a fucking food freak he had his ways of manipulating people to do as he pleased."

        "Go to hell," you glared at him, your tears spilling out from inside you.

        "Watch your mouth," Jason snapped.

       You took in a large breath before speaking again. "Fuck you."

       He slammed his hands down on your forearms and shredded your skin with his nails. You screamed as you saw the blood bubble up to the surface of your skin and trail down your arm.

        After you screamed for a couple minutes he finally sighed. "Now that that's all cleared up, I can ask you some questions." He snarled at you. "Where's Ken Kaneki?"

       "I don't know," you gulped, hoping your lie would be plastered on enough that he would believe it.

        His snarl faded as he stared back at you. "I'm pretty sure you know damn well where he is."

    "I have no idea," you shrugged. "I don't even know where he lives."

     "LIAR!!" Jason yelled in your face, causing you to jump in your seat. "Now tell me where he is, and you will be spared."

       You took all of your guts and felt as if you were slapping him in the face. "I. Don't. Know. Where. Kaneki. Is."

      Jason's face raged as he pulled out a rusty pair of pliers, placing them open in between your pinky toe. "You wanna die bitch?"

       "Stop it!!" You yelled, slamming your back repeatedly into the chair to shake him off. "Let me go!"

      "Then tell me where he is!" He screamed at you.

       Your tears began to trace your face as you looked down to your legs and sobbed. In between long and hasty breaths, you spoke again. "I, I said I don't know..."

      You sobbed again before screaming in immense pain that shot through your foot. You saw your pinky toe screech across the floor. You felt your vision blur and your eyes flashed dark from the sight of the blood.

        "Now," Jason said clapping his hands together. "We're going to do a little exercise! Your going to do a math equation and start to divide backwards from that number."

          You attempted to look up at him.

    "So tell me, what's one thousand minus seven?"

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