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In the morning, Quinn got up and showered. She blow-dried and straightened her hair before putting on a pink sundress and wedge sandals.

After doing her makeup, Quinn woke Beth up and helped her get ready. When Beth was dressed in a yellow sundress, the blondes were ready to go.

They said goodbye to Judy and ran out to Finn's car.

"Hey." Quinn smiled as she got in the passenger seat after buckling Beth in the back. "Thanks for picking us up. Where's Rachel?"

"She's gonna meet us there." Finn replied.

"Is Aunt Kurt going?" Beth wondered.

Finn smirked and glanced at Quinn. "Uh, yeah, he's going."

"Don't call him Aunt Kurt." Quinn told Beth. "He doesn't like it. He's your uncle."

"But Daddy said-"

"I don't care what Daddy said." Quinn cut Beth off. "Mommy doesn't want you saying that. It hurts Kurt's feelings."

"Okay." Beth said softly.

Finn looked at Quinn. "You okay? You seem kinda stressed."

"I'm fine." Quinn nodded.

Finn nodded back and started driving.


When they got to McKinley, Finn parked the car and got Beth while Quinn got out of the car.

"Who's gonna be there?" Beth wondered.

"You'll see in, like, five minutes." Finn said with a smile as he put Beth down.

Beth took Quinn's hand and looked up at her. "Will Daddy be here?"

"I'm not sure." Quinn answered as she looked at Finn.

"Yeah, I don't know." Finn shrugged. "Let's go inside and see."

Quinn held Beth's hand as the pair followed Finn into McKinley. They walked through the halls slowly, silently reminiscing about their time there.

"Beth." Quinn said as she picked up the young blonde. "This is my old locker."

Beth tugged at the handle on the locker. "I wanna see."

"Well, it's someone else's now, so it's locked." Quinn stated. "And Finn's locker is around the corner."

"Did Daddy have a locker?" Beth asked.

"I don't think he used it much, but his locker was in the next hallway." Quinn said with a nod.

Beth nodded back. "Can we go see who's here now?"

"Sure, B."

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