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Quinn parked her car along the curb of the Puckerman house. She took a deep breath and looked at the house before getting out of the car.

Quinn helped Beth out, and took her hand as they walked up to the front door. Quinn lightly knocked and waited for an answer.

The door opened and Jake stood there.

"Hey, Quinn. Hi, Beth. Come inside."

"Hi, Jake." Quinn smiled as she greeted Jake.

"Hi, Uncle Jake!" Beth exclaimed as Quinn entered the house.

"You are getting way too big." Jake told Beth as he scooped her up, bringing her inside. "Did you know that? You're gonna be bigger than me soon."

Beth shook her head. "Nooooo."

Quinn closed the front door and smiled at Jake with Beth. Quinn wasn't Jake's biggest fan, but he was good with Beth and he was a good brother to Puck.

"Puck and Ally are in the yard, Sarah and Ruth are in the kitchen, and my mom's working." Jake told Quinn as he put Beth down. "You two can make yourselves comfortable while I grab drinks. What are you drinking, Quinn?"

"Just water for me." Quinn requested. "Noah and I don't drink when Beth's around anyway."

Jake furrowed his eyebrow and nodded slowly. "Right, well, if you'll excuse me..."

Jake walked away, leaving Quinn and Beth alone.

"Let's go find Bubbe and Aunt Sarah." Quinn said as she took Beth's hand and walked through the house to the kitchen.

"Bubbe!" Beth exclaimed as she let go of Quinn's hand.

"Hi, Beth." Ruth smiled as she greeted her. "Hi, Quinn. It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too." Quinn smiled. "Thanks for having me."

"I was really happy to hear you were coming with Beth." Ruth nodded.

Quinn nodded and turned to Sarah. "Hey, Sarah. How are you?"

"Good." Sarah smiled. "I'm really glad you came."

"Me, too." Quinn agreed. "Is there anything I can do to help with dinner?"

"Dinner's just about ready." Ruth told Quinn. "Sarah will finish setting the table. You and Beth can grab Noah."

"And Ally." Beth added.

"Her, too." Ruth muttered.

Quinn nodded and looked at Beth. "Come on, B. Let's go find Daddy."

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