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"Who do you guys think Mr. Schue's judges are?" Tina asked as the girls stretched and hung out in the auditorium. Kurt had decided to stay on the boys' team with Blaine so the numbers were fair.

"My guess is Miss Pillsbury." Mercedes said.

"Mr. Schue should bring back that hot spanish teacher." Santana stated.

Quinn nodded in agreement.

"He's gonna bring in Holly." Rachel guessed.

"Maybe he'll bring in Principal Figgins!" Brittany exclaimed.

Everyone looked at her.

"We still need to pick what song we're gonna do." Mercedes stated, redirecting the conversation. "We have to beat the boys."

Quinn nodded. "Beth's coming and I wanna impress her."

"Yeah, I thought she was coming today." Rachel replied. "That's what Finn said."

"This morning she decided she didn't wanna come until later." Quinn responded. "My mom's dropping her off soon."

"Okay, so let's pick a song so we can start getting it together." Santana said. "Beth can be our first judge."

"Do we want a ballad or something upbeat?" Rachel wondered. "Because I have a lot of ballads in my repertoire."

"Something upbeat that we can dance to." Brittany answered.

"Maybe we can find a really good song that shows off our voices but has a breakdown part where we could feature a dance by the Unholy Trinity?" Santana suggested. "Britt can take the lead and Quinn and I can keep up."

Quinn nodded. "Mercedes, Tina, and Rachel can be our featured vocals."

"We're definitely gonna win this." Tina smiled happily.

"All we have to do is find the perfect song." Mercedes said as the girls took out their phones, scrolling through them to find a song.

"Spies!" Rachel exclaimed.

Quinn looked up from her phone and saw Puck at the back of the auditorium.

"Relax, Berry." Puck replied. "I'm not here to spy. I'm here because Beth wants Quinn."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow and put her hand up to block the light. She stood up and got off the stage, walking through the auditorium. She met Puck halfway and took Beth from him, holding her on her hip.

"Your mom said she's been crying for you." Puck said as he rubbed Beth's back.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Well, she's good so I should let you get back to rehearsal." Puck noted as he started to walk away.

"Noah." Quinn called after him. "Thanks for getting her to me."

"Yeah, of course." Puck nodded as he left the auditorium.

"I got you, B." Quinn whispered softly as she put Beth down and took her hand. "Come help Mommy pick a song."

Beth walked with Quinn to the stage. They sat down with the other girls. Beth sat on Quinn's lap and Quinn wrapped her arms around her.

"Beth, this week is boys versus girls." Rachel said softly. "We're gonna put together a song and dance."

"And then they're gonna have a panel of judges." Santana added. "Do you wanna be one of them?"

"And do what?" Beth asked.

"You get to watch the performances and vote if the boys were better or if the girls were better." Quinn explained.

Beth tilted her head back and looked at Quinn. "How do I know who's better?"

"It's just for fun, B." Quinn replied. "Whichever group you like the most."

Beth nodded. "Okay."

"Perfect." Santana grinned. "At least we know who one of the panelists is."

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