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"Hey." Quinn said as she and Beth entered the yard.

Puck stood up and smiled. "Hey, you two made it."

"Your mom said to grab you." Quinn replied. "Dinner's ready."

Ally stood up and gave Puck a look as she took his hand.

"I'll be right there." Puck said. "Beth, can you go with Ally while I talk to Mommy?"

Beth shook her head. "Mommy's hungry. Come on."

"Five minutes, B?" Puck requested.

"Bubbe said now." Beth told Puck.

"Alright." Puck sighed as he picked Beth up. "Are you gonna eat?"

"What did Bubbe make?" Beth asked.

"Chicken." Puck answered as he carried Beth inside.

Quinn followed Puck to the kitchen, taking the empty seat next to Jake. Beth sat down beside Quinn.

Puck began serving the food and passing out the plates. He paused when he got to Beth. "Are you gonna eat everything, B?"

"I got her, Noah." Quinn nodded. "She's picky."

"Just like her mom." Puck smirked.

"Yeah." Quinn grinned. "Finish everyone else's plates. I can do mine and Beth's last."

Puck nodded and finished serving everyone else. Quinn made Beth's plate and then her own.

"Thanks again for having us." Quinn smiled at Ruth.

"You two are family." Ruth said, shaking her head. "You're always welcome."

"Well, thank you." Quinn replied.

"And speaking of family." Ally grinned as she looked at Puck. "Noah."

Puck shook his head and glanced at Quinn and Beth. "Let's just eat, okay? Everyone's hungry."


After dinner, Quinn offered to help clean up, but Ruth and Sarah were doing it. Since Beth was with Puck, Quinn slipped outside to be alone.

"Hey." Jake said softly as he came outside and sat down beside Quinn.

"Hey." Quinn repeated.

"You okay?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, I just needed some air." Quinn said.

"You forgot how loud this house is?" Jake asked.

Quinn nodded slowly, pausing for a moment as she looked at Jake. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." Jake nodded. "What's up?"

"Are Noah and Ally engaged?" Quinn wondered.

Jake looked at Quinn.

"She said something to me the other day about having a lot of time to get to know Beth, but Noah didn't tell me anything, so..." Quinn shrugged.

"Well, I don't know if they're engaged." Jake stated.

"But?" Quinn asked.

Jake didn't say anything.

"You can tell me, Jake." Quinn told him.

"Ally's pregnant." Jake informed Quinn. "She told Puck a few days ago."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"He told me and I've been telling him to tell you." Jake went on. "But it's recent, I guess. I don't even know how many weeks."

Quinn chewed on her lip.

"I'm sorry, Quinn." Jake said.

"Why are you sorry?" Quinn asked. "He and I aren't together and we weren't when he started seeing her."

"Yeah, but still." Jake shrugged.

"I should go." Quinn decided as she stood up. "Can you drop Beth off later? Please? I don't wanna take her away from Noah, and I really don't wanna see him."

"Yeah, of course." Jake nodded as he got up. "Are you okay? Do you want me to drive you home?"

"I'm okay." Quinn stated. "I'm just gonna go. Tell everyone I said goodbye."

"Goodbye? You're leaving?"

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