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"Beth?!" Quinn exclaimed as she let go of Finn's hand and ran to Beth. She hugged her and squeezed her tight. "Thank god you're okay."

"Too tight." Beth mumbled.

When Quinn finally let go of Beth, she saw Puck. He was standing there looking at her.


"You should've texted me or answered one of my calls!" Quinn yelled at Puck as she hit his chest with her fists. "Rachel told me you and Beth disappeared. Don't you think I was worried?"

"I'm sorry." Puck apologized as he grabbed Quinn's fists and held them. "I should've told someone, but I wanted to tell you first."

Quinn pulled her hands away and folded her arms.

"I owe both of you an apology." Puck noted. "Quinn, for... everything. And Finn, I should've never uninvited you from the wedding. You're my best friend."

"Well, since you didn't go through with it, I guess I can forgive you." Finn replied. "But, uh... why didn't you go through with it?"

"Ally and I were in the yard late last night talking and I told her I saw her drinking that night we all went out." Puck explained.

"What'd she say?" Finn wondered as he picked Beth up.

"At first, she denied it." Puck told Finn and Quinn. "But then I told her when she kissed me, she tasted like alcohol."

Quinn and Finn nodded along.

"She tried to make me believe that was because I was drinking, but then I remembered her throwing up the next morning." Puck noted as he looked at Quinn. "And thanks to Quinn, I know the difference between morning sickness and a hangover."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"I told her I was leaving." Puck shrugged. "I woke Beth up and we took the first train out."

"I'm just glad you came to your senses." Finn noted.

"I knew you weren't lying, but I just didn't wanna believe you." Puck apologized. "But I'm glad you told me and I'm sorry I didn't listen. I should've listened to you."

"You never do." Finn said with a smile.

Puck nodded slowly. "Thanks for being here for Quinn, and Beth, especially when I wasn't."

"I'll let you two talk." Finn nodded back as he walked away with Beth.

Quinn took a deep breath as she looked at Puck.

"You and Finn and Jake were right." Puck stated as he looked at Quinn. "I'm sorry I let Ally treat you and Beth so badly, but I'm here now."

"Noah, it's too late." Quinn shook her head.

"It's not too late." Puck disagreed. "You told me you love me."

"Noah." Quinn looked at Puck.

"I love you, Quinn." Puck said.

Quinn bit her lip.

"I want us to be together and I wanna be there for Beth." Puck explained. "I want her to love me the way she loves you."

"Beth loves you so much." Quinn told Puck. "There's nothing you could ever do to change that."

"I wanna be with you, but I don't wanna jump into anything." Puck clarified. "Because if we do, I'm afraid we won't make it."

"So what do you wanna do?" Quinn wondered.

"I'm gonna leave L.A. permanently and get my own place in New York." Puck decided. "I'm gonna put all my energy into being a good dad to Beth."

Quinn nodded.

"And then when I'm all sorted out and good, I wanna be with you." Puck added. "If you'll wait for me."

"I've been waiting for you for years." Quinn reminded Puck. "A few more months won't hurt."

Puck smiled. "Really?"

"All I ever wanted was for the three of us to be a family." Quinn smiled back.

"I love you, Quinn."

"I love you, too, Noah."

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