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Quinn showered and got ready for Breadstix. She did her makeup and curled her hair before putting on a red v-neck fit and flare dress and black wedge sandals.

Beep beep.

Quinn said goodbye to her mom and Beth and ran out to Finn and Rachel's car.

"Hey, Quinn." Rachel smiled. "You look nice."

"Thank you." Quinn replied. "I wasn't sure if I was gonna come honestly."

"Why not?" Rachel wondered as Finn started driving.

"Puck's mom and sister are coming to my mom's to see Beth since we're leaving tomorrow and they don't get along." Quinn explained. "But I think Jake's going with them, so hopefully he can keep the peace."

"Don't worry about them." Finn said. "Just focus on having fun tonight."

"Besides, after tonight, you won't have to see Puck." Rachel added.

"Yeah, except when I drop off or pick up Beth." Quinn responded. "But you're right. After tonight, I don't have to see him."

"We're here." Finn noted as he parked the car and got out.

The girls got out of the car and followed Finn inside. They were among the last ones to get there, with Puck and Ally walking in right behind them.

"Hey, guys." Puck said. "Q."

"Hey." Finn smiled before leading the way to the table.

"Jake went with my mom and Sarah." Puck informed Quinn. "But so far, so good."

"Good." Quinn echoed as she sat down at the table in one of the three empty seats.

Puck sat down beside Quinn, and Ally sat down on the other side of Puck.

"I'm so glad we're doing this." Tina smiled.

"I'm gonna miss seeing all of you everyday again." Rachel added as she looked around the table.

"I need a drink." Santana noted.

"Me, too." Quinn and Puck said simultaneously.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Quinn. "I thought you didn't drink."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "Why would you think that?"

"I just haven't seen you drink." Puck noted.

"I don't drink when Beth's around." Quinn responded. "And neither should you, but I won't get into that right now. Beth's home, and I got a ride from Finn, so..."

"Why don't we not drink Breadstix's crappy wine and go out for drinks after?" Artie suggested. "Keep the party going?"

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