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When Quinn parked the car in front of the Puckerman house, Beth unbuckled herself and hopped out, running to the door.

"Wait for me." Quinn said as she got out of the car and followed Beth to the front door.

By the time Quinn reached the steps, Beth had already been pounding on the front door with her fists.

"Beth, someone could be sleeping." Quinn told her. "Easy."

The door opened and Puck stood there.

"Hey." Puck smiled as he picked Beth up. "What are you two doing here?"

"We're heading back to New York and Beth wanted to say goodbye to everyone first so..." Quinn shrugged.

Puck nodded. "Y-Yeah, come in."

Quinn followed Puck inside and closed the front door behind her. "Where is everyone?"

"My mom and Sarah are in the kitchen, Jake's not up yet, and Ally's in the bathroom." Puck replied. "She's been throwing up all morning."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Can I wake up Uncle Jake?" Beth asked.

"Why don't you go say hi to Bubbe and Aunt Sarah first?" Puck suggested as he put Beth down.

"Okay." Beth nodded. "Come on."

"Look who I found." Puck said as he and Quinn followed Beth to the kitchen.

"Hi." Quinn smiled. "I hope we're not disturbing your breakfast. We just wanted to say goodbye before we went back to New York."

"You two are always welcome here." Ruth said with a smile as Beth walked over and gave her a hug.

Puck looked at Quinn.

Quinn smiled as Jake entered the room. "Hey."

"Hey." Jake repeated. "Good to see you've sobered up."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded slowly. "Can I talk to you? Privately?"

"Sure." Jake said, and Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

Quinn and Jake left the kitchen and went to the living room.

"I was really drunk and tired last night." Quinn began. "I don't know what I saw or what I said, but we should just forget it."

"Forget what?" Jake asked, playing along.

"Exactly." Quinn nodded. "I don't wanna get involved with this. It's too messy."

"Yeah, I agree." Jake said.

"Thank you." Quinn said softly. "And thanks again for picking me up last night."

Jake nodded. "Don't mention it."

"Well, we should go back inside before Puck comes looking for us." Quinn noted.

"Yeah." Jake agreed as he led the way back to the kitchen.

Puck looked at Quinn and Jake when they returned, furrowing his eyebrow at them.

"Did you get to say goodbye, B?" Quinn asked. "We should go."

"Can we stay a little longer?" Beth begged. "Pleeease."

"We're gonna hit a lot of traffic if we wait." Quinn warned Beth.

"Okay." Beth sighed. "Can we come back soon?"

Quinn nodded. "We can, and anyone can visit us whenever they want."

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