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Quinn knocked on the Hudson/Hummels' door and waited on their front steps.

The door opened and Kurt stood there.

"Good, it's you." Kurt noted. "Come inside."

"Is everything okay?" Quinn asked.

"Just come inside." Kurt nodded. "I wanted to call you, but Finn has my phone."

Quinn followed Kurt into the living room, pausing when she saw Puck and Ally playing with Beth while Finn, Rachel, and Blaine watched.

"Beth, time to go." Quinn said.

"Can we stay for dinner, Mommy?" Beth requested as she looked at Quinn. "Daddy's staying."

Quinn shook her head. "Grandma is already cooking."

"So?" Beth asked.

"So we can't cancel and make Grandma eat alone." Quinn told Beth. "Go get your things and say thank you to Carole and Burt for having you."

"I wanna stay." Beth replied.

"I know, B, but we have to go." Quinn responded. "Come on."

"I wanna stay." Beth repeated in a whiney voice.

Quinn took a deep breath. She hated being the bad cop, especially in front of her friends.

"If I have to ask you to get up and say goodbye again, you're gonna be punished." Quinn warned Beth. "Get up, say goodbye, and let's go."

Beth rolled her eyes as she got up and hugged Puck. "Bye, Daddy. I wish I could go with you instead of Mommy."

Quinn bit her lip and looked at Puck.

Puck shook his head. "You get to go with Mommy. I wish I could, too."

Beth looked at Quinn before turning back to Puck.

"Be good for Mommy." Puck said softly. "Okay? She has enough to deal with. She had a bad day."

Beth frowned and looked at Quinn as she let go of Puck. "Mommy, I'm gonna say bye to everyone and then we can go, okay?"

"Okay." Quinn nodded slowly. "Finn's mom is in the kitchen."

Beth ran off to say goodbye to Carole, and Quinn looked at Puck.

"Thanks." Quinn muttered.

"It's the least I can do, right?" Puck shrugged as he and the others got up from the floor.

Quinn looked at Ally before looking back at Puck.

"Oh, right." Puck mumbled. "Uh, Quinn, this is Ally. Ally, this is Quinn, Beth's mom."

"It's nice to put a face to the name." Ally stated. "I've heard so much about you, but you're somehow even prettier than you were described."

Before Quinn could respond, Beth returned to the living room and took her hand. "I'm ready, Mommy. Let's go see Grandma."

Quinn nodded and said her goodbyes before leaving with Beth.

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