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"And then he said he was gonna tell me!" Quinn exclaimed.

"Well, maybe he was." Finn replied.

Quinn raised her eyebrow and looked at Finn.

"Maybe he was." Finn repeated with a shrug.

"Whose side are you on, Finn?" Quinn asked.

"Look, you and Puck are my best friends." Finn reminded Quinn. "I don't wanna choose sides. Puck should've told you, but-"

"But he didn't." Quinn interrupted.

"Well, maybe there's a real reason he didn't." Finn suggested. "Talk to him."

"Fine." Quinn said as she took out her phone and started dialing.

"What are you doing?" Finn asked.

"Talking to Puck." Quinn answered. "Like you said."

"I think you should calm down before-"

"Voicemail." Quinn muttered as she waited for the beep. "Hi, Noah. It's me. Since you refuse to be honest with me or even have the decency to call me back, I'm not letting you see Beth-"

"Quinn." Finn said softly.

Quinn put her hand up to silence Finn as she continued. "Until I decide that you've earned it. I can't trust you with her if you can't answer the phone when I call because god forbid there's an emergency and you ignore my calls and..."

Quinn took a deep breath.

"Don't call me back. Bye."

Quinn hung up the phone and took another deep breath.

"Quinn, what did you just do?" Finn wondered.

"I have full custody already." Quinn reminded Finn. "He only gets to see her because I let him."


"What if she was hurt?" Quinn questioned Finn.

"I think you're making a mistake." Finn said as he got up. "This will kill Puck. And Beth."

"Beth will be fine. This isn't the first time Noah did something and I'm sure it won't be the last." Quinn stated as she looked at Finn. "Where are you going?"

"I told you I don't wanna be in the middle of all this, so I'm gonna head back to my mom's." Finn responded. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Tell Beth I said bye."

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