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Quinn spent the rest of the day with Finn. They went on a walk to get some fresh air before returning to the apartment and crashing on the couch.

They spent the day watching Netflix, eating food, and drinking to forget about the wedding.

"I should get out of here." Finn said as he sat up. "It's late."

"It's late." Quinn repeated. "Just stay over."

Finn looked at Quinn.

"I don't wanna be in an empty apartment." Quinn told Finn. "Not tonight."

"Alright." Finn said. "I'll stay."

"Good." Quinn smiled as she took out her phone. "Let's call Rachel and say goodnight to her and Beth."

"Yeah." Finn said. "Beth might be sleeping though."

"I doubt it." Quinn replied as she started call to Rachel.

"Hey, Quinn." Rachel answered the videochat with a smile.

"Hey!" Finn exclaimed, pouting as he leaned closer to Quinn so he was in the camera's view.

"Hi, Finn." Rachel smiled.

"Hey, Rach." Finn grinned.

"Are you two okay?" Rachel asked.

"We're good." Quinn promised. "Just a little drunk, but I'm going to my room soon. I just wanted to call and say goodnight to Beth, if she's still up."

"I think she's in the yard with Puck and Ally. Hold on." Rachel said as she got up.

"Wait." Quinn said. "Puck's there?"

"This is his mom's house." Rachel nodded.

Quinn looked at Finn.

Finn took the phone and held it closer to his face. "Go get Beth."

"Please." Quinn added.

"Please." Finn repeated.

Quinn leaned in and watched the background behind Rachel change as she went outside.

"Beth!" Rachel called. "Come see who's on the phone."

"Beth!" Quinn and Finn yelled into the phone when Beth appeared.

"Hi!" Beth yelled back. "Whatcha doin'?"

"We're just hanging out." Quinn answered. "Are you having fun?"

Beth nodded. "Daddy said I can be the flower girl."

"Very cool, B." Quinn smiled. "You're gonna be great."

"I miss you, Mommy." Beth said. "And Uncle Finn."

"I miss you, too." Quinn replied. "But you're gonna be so good, and you'll be home before you know it, okay?"

"Okay." Beth repeated.

"And tell Daddy I said you have to go to bed now." Quinn said. "It's late and you have a long day tomorrow."

"But I'm not tired." Beth insisted.

"Yes you are." Quinn noted. "I'm gonna go to bed soon, too. When we get off the phone."

"Okay, Mommy. Sweet dreams. Love you." Beth replied. "Night, night, Finny."

"Night, night, Beth." Finn said.

"I love you, too." Quinn smiled, blowing Beth a kiss. "Bye, Rachel!"

"Bye, Quinn." Rachel replied. "Bye, Finn. I love you."

"I love you, too." Finn responded. "Have fun tomorrow. Or try to."

"I will." Rachel nodded. "Make sure you both leave water bottles out for sober Finn and sober Quinn tomorrow."

"We will." Finn nodded back as he hung up the phone.

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