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"Sarah has no idea where he is." Finn said as he and Quinn started heading back to Quinn's apartment. "She said she and Ruth and a bunch of the others are all waiting for the ceremony to start."

"He ditched the ceremony?" Quinn asked.

"I guess so." Finn nodded. "I'm gonna try calling him."

Quinn nodded back and watched Finn.

"Voicemail." Finn muttered. "Maybe I can call Jake."

"Jake's been here with us." Quinn pointed out. "I'm sure he doesn't know anything."

Finn nodded slowly. "Alright, then let's go upstairs and figure out who else we can call to find Beth."

Quinn nodded back, trying to stay calm even though she was freaking out. She knew Beth was safe with Puck, but she needed to know where she was and if she and Puck were okay.

"Let's just go upstairs." Finn decided as he took Quinn's hand, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Okay?"

"Okay." Quinn replied, holding onto Finn's hand as they continued walking.

A few minutes later, they reached Quinn's apartment building.

Finn led Quinn inside and they headed up to the apartment.


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