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When Finn returned, he and Quinn headed out to eat. They were both starving and settled on a diner a few blocks from Quinn's apartment.

They were seated at a booth and given water and menus. Their waiter disappeared to give them time to review the menus and choose what they were hungry for.

"I don't know what I want." Quinn complained as she studied the menu.

"Me neither, but I'm starving." Finn stated as he flipped through the menu. "I think I'm gonna get the pancakes that come with ham and sausage."

"I'm gonna get... waffles." Quinn decided. She shook her head. "Nope. I'll get french toast."

"Perfect timing." Finn noted as their waiter circled back around.

Quinn and Finn placed their orders and sipped their waters while they waited for their food.

"Hey, I think that's Jake." Finn noted. "Jake!"

Quinn looked and saw Jake turn around to see who yelled his name.

Finn waved Jake over.

Jake got up and walked over to the table with Marley beside him. "Hey, guys. You remember Marley, right? Marley, you remember Finn and Quinn."

"Yeah, it's nice to see you both." Marley smiled.

"You, too." Quinn smiled back.

"Hey, why don't you guys join us?" Finn suggested. "We just ordered our food."

Jake looked at Marley.

"We can, if you want." Marley nodded.

"Sure." Jake said as he sat down next to Quinn and Marley sat down next to Finn.

"I guess we're all doing the same thing today." Finn noted with a small smile.

"Yeah." Jake said. "Sarah texted me earlier that it's all set up. I think it's starting in, like, an hour."

"I wonder who he got to be his best man." Finn stated. "Since the two of us are here."

"Maybe Sam." Jake guessed. "Or Mike."

"Maybe." Finn repeated.

"Are you guys okay?" Jake asked, looking at Quinn.

"I'm fine." Quinn nodded. "It's not my life and it's not my problem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jake said. "Puck uninvited me because he thought I slept with you, but when he found out I didn't, he re-invited me, but I didn't feel like going at that point."

"Yeah, he said something to me about you and me hooking up." Quinn replied, rolling her eyes as she sipped her water.

"So are you guys hanging out all weekend?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, we'll probably do the same thing today that we did yesterday." Finn nodded.

"What'd you do yesterday?" Jake wondered.

"Yesterday we got drunk and watched movies and talked and ate all day." Finn answered.

"Sounds like fun." Jake said with a smirk.

"You two are welcome to join us later." Quinn told them. "We're just hanging out at my apartment."

"Yeah, maybe we'll crash." Jake shrugged as the waiter arrived with Finn and Quinn's plates.

"Yum." Finn said, licking his lips.

"Marley and I should let you guys eat, but maybe we'll see you later." Jake stated.

"Yeah, see you."

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