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"Hey." Quinn said as she walked out of her bedroom.

"Hey." Finn repeated. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine." Quinn nodded. "You?"

"Good." Finn smiled. "This couch is comfy."

Quinn smiled back. "You wanna go grab breakfast with me? Well, I guess it's closer to lunch at this point."

"Yeah." Finn nodded.

"I'm just gonna shower and get ready." Quinn said. "If you wanna shower first, I can wait."

"No, I'll run home and shower while you're getting ready." Finn told Quinn. "I need clothes anyway."

"I'll see you in a little bit then." Quinn nodded.

After Finn left, Quinn took a shower. She washed and shaved her body before washing her hair and her face.

When she was done in the shower, Quinn wrapped her hair in a towel. She wrapped her body in a separate towel and went to her room to get dressed.

Quinn put on a blue sundress before blow-drying her hair. She did her makeup, opting for minimal makeup.

Quinn put on a pair of sandals and returned to the living room. She checked her phone and saw that she had just gotten a text from Finn, letting her know that he was back.

Quinn grabbed her purse and left her apartment. She went outside and found Finn.

"Hey, Finn." Quinn smiled.

"Hey." Finn smiled back.

"What's that bag for?" Quinn wondered.

"My clothes." Finn said. "I figured today's gonna end the same as yesterday, so..."

Quinn nodded and handed Finn her apartment key. "Go put that upstairs so you don't have to carry it around. I'll wait for you."

"Okay." Finn responded as he walked away.

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