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Quinn took a deep breath as she entered the choir room with Beth on her hip. Beth immediately squirmed out of Quinn's arms, racing off to greet her aunts and uncles.

Quinn started making her way through the room, greeting her friends before she took her usual seat.

"Is Mr. Schue coming?" Quinn wondered.

"Yes." Rachel replied as she walked in with Kurt and Blaine behind her. "He's on his way, which means that's basically everyone."

"Not everyone." Sam noted. "Is Puck coming?"

"Yeah, Puck'll be here." Finn answered softly.

Quinn looked at Finn, but he wouldn't look at her.

On cue, Puck entered the room.

"Daddy!" Beth exclaimed as she went running to greet Puck.

"Hi, princess." Puck smiled as he picked Beth up and put her on his hip. He glanced at Quinn as he took the empty seat next to her, holding Beth on his lap.

"Quinn." Puck whispered as he leaned towards her. "I need to talk to you."

Quinn nodded dismissively as Mr. Schue entered the room.

Mr. Schue took a deep breath and grinned as he looked at his former students. "It's good to have you all here in this room again."

"It's good to be back, Mr. Schue." Finn said.

"Yes, and now that we're all here, we can discuss our set list for Sectionals." Rachel teased with a smile.

"You guys have moved on to much bigger and better things since glee club." Mr. Schue noted. "Half of you have been on Broadway and the other half are accomplishing just as much in college and the entertainment industry and other things, too. I'm proud of all of you guys."

"We're proud of you, too, Mr. Schue." Mercedes grinned.

"You know, Quinn just graduated from Yale at the top of her class." Santana bragged.

"While raising a kid on her own." Brittany added.

"Not on her own." Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "I helped out with Beth a lot when Quinn was in school. Tell them, Q."

"Yeah." Quinn muttered.

"We're proud of you, Quinn." Tina smiled.

"Absolutely. Anyway, this week you have three assignments." Mr. Schue informed everyone. "Your first assignment is to perform in pairs or trios. And the second assignment is a full group number at the end of the week."

"What's the third assignment?" Kurt wondered.

"Girls versus boys." Mr. Schue grinned.

Everyone groaned, knowing there was never a winner with those competitions.

"This will be easy." Puck noted. "We're national champions."

"Right, well, I just hope your performance measures up to your cockiness, Puck." Mr. Schue responded as he clapped his hands together and looked at the rest of the young adults. "In the meantime, start forming groups and start coming up with song selections."

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