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Quinn turned around and looked at Puck angrily.

"Just let me explain." Puck requested.

"I don't need an explanation." Quinn stated. "I know how you get people pregnant, Puck! I was the first one!"

"Can we go talk in the choir room or something?" Puck requested, gently grabbing Quinn's hand. "Sound travels in the hall."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Quinn said as she pulled her hand away. "And if it wasn't for Beth, I would never see you or speak to you again."

"Jake shouldn't have told you." Puck noted.

"Jake shouldn't have." Quinn agreed. "Because you should've!"

"I tried, Quinn." Puck replied.

"I am so sick of you trying." Quinn said, shaking her head. "You try with Beth. You tried with me. Stop trying and start doing!"

Puck went to talk, but Quinn kept going.

"I noticed you didn't bring her today." Quinn added.

"I don't want you to feel like I'm shoving anything in your face or anything, but..." Puck looked at Quinn. "I'm building a life and a future, and I'm gonna have a family."

"A family?" Quinn repeated. "You have a family."

"Quinn, that's not what I meant." Puck said.

"I think that's exactly what you meant. You made a choice and you chose to abandon your family and start a new one." Quinn noted. "I just hope you treat what's-her-face and that kid better than you've ever treated me and Beth."

"I can only do so much with Beth before you step in." Puck said. "You always step in and that's why she favors you and is more attached to you."

"Because I'm the one who's there when she's crying when she misses you." Quinn replied. "I'm the one who's there when she has a nightmare and needs a lullaby to get back to sleep. I'm consistent. You think you can just come in and out of her life whenever you want."

"Because you don't give me a chance." Puck noted as he took a deep breath. "Look, I should've told you about the engagement and the baby, but it's new and I didn't. But this baby is gonna be Beth's brother or sister."

"Half-brother or half-sister." Quinn clarified. "Puckermans are experts with that though, right? Like father, like son."

"I'm not my dad." Puck said, shaking his head. "But you can be surprised about all of this and you can hate me for it or whatever helps you process and accept it."

"I don't hate you. I hate that you have to hurt Beth to be a good man." Quinn clarified. "And me."

"You didn't want me, Quinn!" Puck exclaimed.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"You didn't want me so I moved on." Puck said. "What did you expect would happen?"

"I didn't think things would get so bad." Quinn shrugged.

Puck sighed and took Quinn's hand. He looked at her. "I've made so many mistakes. I can't make the same ones again."

"Mistakes?" Quinn repeated, her eyes filling with tears.

"I haven't handled things like I should've." Puck clarified.

"Beth wasn't a mistake to me." Quinn said as she pulled her hand away from Puck. "My only mistake was you. Because now I'm tied to you forever."

"Quinn, if things were different, I-"

"There's always a choice, there's always been a choice, and you've always chosen wrong." Quinn responded as she wiped her eyes and walked away from Puck, heading to meet Finn, Rachel, and Beth for lunch.

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