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"Quinn, do you have a second?" Mr. Schue asked at the end of the day when he dismissed everyone and they all started filing out of the choir room.

"I know you're gonna tell me to let Puck see Beth, but please stay out of it." Quinn requested.

"That's not what I was gonna say." Mr. Schue shook his head.

"Oh." Quinn muttered. "Sorry."

"I was gonna tell you if you need anything, let me know." Mr. Schue stated. "You're not the bad guy here. I know you're just trying to protect Beth."

"I wish everyone else realized that, too." Quinn responded. "Everyone's on Puck's side, even Finn and Santana."

"They said that?" Mr. Schue asked.

"No, but they are." Quinn said. "And Beth is all I have."

"Well, if it helps, I'm on your side." Mr. Schue told her. "Beth's a good kid and she deserves stability and consistency."

Quinn nodded in agreement. "Thank you."

"But you know, Puck's a good guy." Mr. Schue said. "And a good dad. He's different with you and Beth. He's always been like that."

"He loves her." Quinn replied. "I know he does, but he's not... He has to do better. Much better."

Mr. Schue nodded slowly.

"Miss Pillsbury and Danny are lucky they have you." Quinn stated.

Mr. Schue smiled slightly.

"Stability." Quinn repeated. "Consistency. Decency to answer a phone call or text message."

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Mr. Schue said. "Go home and relax."

"Thank you, Mr. Schue." Quinn smiled as she hugged her former teacher. She took a deep breath before letting go and leaving the choir room.

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